mugen chars, rare characters
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Characters, stages sharing
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Darkrai for MUGEN
My first release
1 2210 Darkest_Shade_of_Light 2010-09-14, 2:59 AM
Posted by: Lightmatt
Shippuden Naruto (narto)
8 3984 konia 2010-09-06, 2:09 PM
Posted by: pcman13
MK Akatsuki Sasuke 2 4039 konia 2010-08-31, 7:11 PM
Posted by: konia
Hirako Shinji^^
Shinji from Bleach
2 2016 konia 2010-08-26, 7:33 AM
Posted by: konia
characters Arcana Heart 14 5025 fEnomen 2010-08-26, 1:19 AM
Posted by: ŁfenrirŁ
Demon Eyes Kyo 10 5304 SinGoku 2010-08-23, 5:15 AM
Posted by: AnimeFreakXXX
BEST SASORI 2 4403 Kiril2212 2010-08-11, 8:07 AM
Posted by: DT2
Trunks (Transforms from normal, ssj4)
another great Trunks characther by Trunksin4
5 2065 Normal_Insanity 2010-08-11, 6:49 AM
Posted by: reddrag
Sasorif10 by maxf10 4 2509 maxf10 2010-08-10, 6:54 PM
Posted by: Hasser
My First PUBLIC Char ^^
7 1378 Veron 2010-08-06, 5:04 AM
Posted by: reddrag
naruto characters
3 2890 skinnerbox96 2010-08-04, 11:56 PM
Posted by: savas
Red Warrior 1 951 asrwgm 2010-08-04, 4:38 AM
Posted by: adjgoku
Brick from the Rowdyruff Boys
My first character!
2 2249 AireDaleDogz 2010-08-03, 7:02 PM
Posted by: AireDaleDogz
Mew by Sprx11
Mew by Sprx11
3 1840 mugenkingofgames 2010-08-02, 11:24 PM
Posted by: BreathofLife
Hades 0 1094 asrwgm 2010-07-19, 6:02 PM
Posted by: asrwgm
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