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New Years mugen challenge!
HiryoDate: Monday, 2011-12-26, 1:59 AM | Message # 1
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Alright... This is my challenge for all of the mugen community. I am going to release a sprite pack from one of my models. It will have a HUGE amount of sprites for people to create a character. To which will be judged once completed. No need to worry about pals or anything from the images. You will get one .act and sprites in a folder. Nothing more. It will be up to all who wish to enter this tournament to make a character from the sprites and where as the characters will be judged in 6 categories. Presentation, Style, Scripts, Originality, Balance, A.I. I will be judging along with Mugen_Boy and two others. Each judge can only give a max score of ten in each category meaning each judge can only give out 60 points. If in a draw, your characters will have to fight one another and be considered based on public opinion with youtube comments. NOT by who wins the fight. Whoever wins the tournament shall receive a prize. As to what that prize may be will be kept secret for now. To which so no one can cheat, no one can get the sprites till December 27th. In which you must message me here and I will give you a link to the download. ALL are allowed to enter. The sprites have been marked so really no one can steal or take credit for them. The style of play for the character HAS to be a six button style with a light, medium, strong. Other then that, it is all based on the creators. If you wish to enter this tournament please post in this thread. ALL are allowed to enter. The deadline for the characters to be judged is not set for some people need time to make characters more so then others. But there WILL be a time limit to how long you get to make your character. No bad language may be used for voice sounds and NO images to which is not suitable for all ages. Blood is fine though. Here is a image sample of a single sprite to which your character will look like. GOOD LUCK to all who enter! Oh, on a side note. The tournament reward for winning may change pending on what the other judges may offer. Could end up being better! =) And if anyone wishes to help me with my full game project, you can NOT enter the tournament however you get what I was to offer the tournament winner anyway.
Only 20 may enter at max. Tournament will not start unless a minimum of ten join. There can only be one winner...

WebstaDate: Monday, 2011-12-26, 2:31 AM | Message # 2
Templar Knight
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Hey Hiryo, I thought the character would of looked beastly, like a man-tiger or something but eh, this still looks like fun.

Question: are the sprites already cropped and in the proper format? Or are we going to get a spritesheet or something?

Btw, sign me up for the tornament

HiryoDate: Tuesday, 2011-12-27, 2:08 AM | Message # 3
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Quote (Websta)
Hey Hiryo, I thought the character would of looked beastly, like a man-tiger or something but eh, this still looks like fun.

Question: are the sprites already cropped and in the proper format? Or are we going to get a spritesheet or something?

Btw, sign me up for the tornament

Alright!!! ^^ And the reason for this model is because I am not using him. =/ I did not wish to delete or throw him away. All sprites already have a pal attached, color coded, and no need for cropping.. they are direct from my model. Only thing is I am not numbering them. Also, I will add in some original sprite effects attached with them such as wings. All sprites will be in a folder. You will have to look through them yourself and then add them into your character. All will be in PCX format. All the sprites will be in perfect condition. Also, throwing in two different standing poses for those who may want to use a different pose. Along with two crouching poses and such.... There will be a LOT of sprites. And you may edit them in any way, form, or fashion. All the sprites will be open source for all who enter the tournament. NO PARTNERS!!! I forgot to mention that. Some people will not have any help so it will not be fare for all. So no partners. If you WANT some added 3D sprites such as projectiles I do have some made for him. The sprites will be available for all to download tomorrow for ONLY those who enter. ANd thank you very much for entering Websta. IF this tournament goes well.... I may do as you say... Beastly-man tiger.. funny you mention that considering I have such a model I am working on... happy

Added (2011-12-26, 4:08 AM)
Quote (Websta)
Hey Hiryo, I thought the character would of looked beastly, like a man-tiger or something but eh, this still looks like fun.

Question: are the sprites already cropped and in the proper format? Or are we going to get a spritesheet or something?

Btw, sign me up for the tornament

Here is Kirin... The tiger character I am making as you had earlier wanted for such. Though he will not be for this tournament. He will be for my game project. I am sorry.

Kirin is based off of the Chinese god tiger of the west. Anyway... =/ He will not be made for a while now.. working on others. But as you can see... I was already working on a "Man-Tiger" hahaha. ^^

Added (2011-12-26, 8:21 AM)
Any special effects and or added sprites are allowed. You may use whatever added effects you need and more so edit-modify the main sprites to which you may want in any form. The markings on the sprites to prevent theft can not be undone unless your a real art thief pro. So, I doubt anyone could do that here. On a side note. Using effects such as common CVS or MVC will not give any points for originality or style. They are common. But would still give presentation points. Make your characters with 1200 HP. Defense 100. Attack 100. For damage ratio, do not make it too small or too big. A example is of the following.

Numbers on the left is least amount. Numbers to the right is max amount.
The number after the "," is guard damage. All attacks except throws and non damaging must have guard damage. chip.

Light punch- 25,5 to 30,6
Medium Punch- 35,7 to 50,8
Heavy Punch- 45,8 to 70,9

Do not go less then the minimum damage and do not go above the max damage for basics. Keep all attacks in balance. Use that attack damage ratio for all basic attacks. Faster the basic the weaker it should be. No attacks should infinite chain. If a basic knocks a opponent down and you can juggle. Make sure they can recover. Recover is very important. Balance in all things is to which will make a true winner of this tournament. Do not think flashy moves will win for indeed they will not. A perfect character is one who has a weakness and flaws for a character with no weakness is cheap. Take your time when making the character. Oh, and the name of the character counts for one point in originality. Make the name original. Post here if you wish to join! ^^

Added (2011-12-27, 2:08 AM)
I really hope people try out for this challenge.. T_T INSTEAD OF READING THIS, SIGN AND JOIN UP PEOPLE!!!!!! You think you can make a character then sign up!!!! cry

Message edited by Hiryo - Monday, 2011-12-26, 5:04 AM
Pingping08Date: Tuesday, 2011-12-27, 2:32 AM | Message # 4
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I cant enter cause I fail at coding cry cry cry cry cry cry cry

PS I AM 14(Reason it says nine: I selected the wrong year)
HiryoDate: Tuesday, 2011-12-27, 3:21 AM | Message # 5
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Quote (Pingping08)
I cant enter cause I fail at coding cry cry cry cry cry cry cry

YES YOU CAN ENTER!!! Please enter. happy It is not just to win. It is also for fun!!!!! And you did say you wanted to make a 3D character yes? Please join... You can ask people with help on how to script/code certain things as long as your doing it yourself... Plus, you get to make a 3D character!!!! I can assist only with advise. Please join!!!! cry ALL of all levels and experience of skill may join... You can learn as you make him!!
Pingping08Date: Tuesday, 2011-12-27, 3:28 AM | Message # 6
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ok... I will join! I did program a punch once.

Added (2011-12-27, 3:28 AM)
PS can He be a WTF BOOOM char? tht would be hilarious!

PS I AM 14(Reason it says nine: I selected the wrong year)
HiryoDate: Tuesday, 2011-12-27, 4:49 AM | Message # 7
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Quote (Pingping08)
ok... I will join! I did program a punch once.

Added (2011-12-27, 3:28 AM)
PS can He be a WTF BOOOM char? tht would be hilarious!

Thanks for joining.. happy And no cheap stuff... This is a tournament for of true skill etiquette. The mugen world has become poo due to the mass production of really crappy characters. Want good quality. If this tournament goes well.. I have a female concept character model to which will be used for the next tournament. To make a legitimate character. If you read the above you will read the rules. If you truly are new to creating characters, I have a tutorial character to which I can give to you that teaches how to make a mugen character. Basics and such. No sprite swapping. If anyone who enters the tournament can not edit sprites and needs help with editing or more so sprites to be made I will do so. Other then that no help from me. =\ I will ONLY help with knowledge, advise, sprites, and a tutorial character. No cheating. And do not worry about it being good or bad.... =) Do it for fun!
WebstaDate: Tuesday, 2011-12-27, 5:58 AM | Message # 8
Templar Knight
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mugen world has become poo due to the mass
production of really crappy characters.
lmao! You can say that again

HiryoDate: Tuesday, 2011-12-27, 6:08 AM | Message # 9
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Quote (Websta)
lmao! You can say that again

It is true though... =/ If you look at ALL the god characters... ALL the broken characters.. ALL the edit orochi, symbiote, evil, god, and any other unholy crap... It just became worthless... and I think what CAN get the mugen back into the gaming world if WE.. and I do mean ALL in mugen who are willing get together and make a GREAT BALANCED Game.. But will have to use 3D characters for 2D is sort of out of it. That is what my game project I posted in the other forum is all about.. I am not making those characters for self interest. I REALLY hate Capcom. I would LOVE to make a game that is FREE to all the public and more so of GREAT quality to rival that of those greedy companies. But at least Namco is not greedy like Capcom but I get the feeling that will change. =\..... If I must... I will even create model, after model, after model of random 3D characters for these tournaments.... JUST TO GET PEOPLE TO MAKE GOOD 3D characters.. if enough people start I think others will follow.... The model sprite pack will be ready for ALL in the tournament to download. I am going to have to allow those already entered to download them for I think others will be slower to join. I do not think it will be cheating or unfair if I just don't make a set time for the characters to be done just yet. Also trying to get V-Nix and a few others to join. >.< I hope they do... Be ready for the sprites tomorrow Websta. You will have a link in your pms. There will be a LOT of sprites... and I am sure you will have MANY questions to ask me when you get them especially about the wing set...
sgn_15Date: Tuesday, 2011-12-27, 8:07 AM | Message # 10
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Hiryo, i want to join bro but i cant promise anything. really busy

anyway, what is the specific plan? release all sprites for public? or just to contestants?

HiryoDate: Tuesday, 2011-12-27, 9:08 AM | Message # 11
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Quote (sgn_15)
Hiryo, i want to join bro but i cant promise anything. really busy

anyway, what is the specific plan? release all sprites for public? or just to contestants?

Just contestants. All contestants are allowed to ask for MORE sprites if needed. And only contestants get them. Also no need to worry of the character is not amazing or anything... Just wish to bring the mugen world to a new era of 3D rather then 2D. A good balanced character is all that is needed. happy Just do your best and have fun!!!! The sprites will be released to all contestants tomorrow.. I am still trying to get some people to join. No time limit for the creation. But a set date for characters to be shown will be made but NO time soon.. the amount of sprites and more so work you will have to put into the character will be almost to which how much work I put into my Izura... =/ All I can say is good luck and thank you very much for joining!!!! If you want a different color pal for staring or more pals let me know. You can also make your own. Sprites are free to be edited in any form or fashion. A female basic model will be for the next tournament. One I was not going to use. Then after her a model truly out of this world... One that MORPHS... so that will be FASCINATING to see. =) I even set the model to morph into forms resembling Abyss from MVC2, Venom, Dio, Goro, and many others... Can't wait to see that tournament will bring. >w<.... I thank you so much for joining. Also remember, if you need any ADDITIONAL sprites made or more so any edited let me know. ^^ There are a LOT of sprites for all of you to go through.. hahaha...

Added (2011-12-27, 8:29 AM)

Quote (sgn_15)
Hiryo, i want to join bro but i cant promise anything. really busy

anyway, what is the specific plan? release all sprites for public? or just to contestants?

I may just add my morphing model immediately after this tournament... Reason is for he is so unique and the ability to color code him with a pal allows you to literally make him look like anything.. and with the amount of sprites he has... Wozers... I could guarantee no two people would make a character even remotely the same with those sprites... Plus the addition he even has a sword, spear, and ax... all 3D... I will show a example of his appearance soon... happy I am not going to make that character for it's existence was to actually make my final boss for my project. Entropy... But... Entropy would not morph.. that is why I had to scrap it.. Was going to use him for the character Chaos.. but again... Chaos would not have a set entity....perplexed I was out of ideas.... So instead of trashing him I will set it's model for a tournament!!!! Along with more to come!!! happy ALL my models to which I am not personally using I am going to put in tournaments.... So guys.. don't worry.. just because this first one looks like Kyo.. does not mean the next one will not be a bad ass! Oh the ideas are just pouring in my brain for tournaments such as this with my models!!! Oh, I make my models with a color change set up so people can not steal them and I mark many of the sprites in different ways. This will not effect your creation of the character. And more so you can change the color change of the certain sprites with a pal modification script in your common file for being hit. Works like the RGB setup for stages... ^^ Oh, and this model will have some sprites with crystal wings.. like a angel. I hope people make a super from it... I even PRE-MADE some special sprites for you guys to use with transparency when he goes to get his wings out. Though, you will need special effects ON-TOP if them..... I can not wait for this tournament to begin!!!! =}

Added (2011-12-27, 9:08 AM)

Quote (sgn_15)
Hiryo, i want to join bro but i cant promise anything. really busy

anyway, what is the specific plan? release all sprites for public? or just to contestants?

I just could not help myself... >.< This is one of the pals for my one model that was to be originally Entropy, then Chaos.... then nothing. =/ It is called checker board.. I choose it for it's oddity. No worries.. you can literally color him in almost any fashion... Just some examples of what to expect from the sprites of him... happy

These are just teasers... =) And I purposely used the checker color pal. Just so you can see the odd ways you can color his pal. ^^
sgn_15Date: Tuesday, 2011-12-27, 9:11 AM | Message # 12
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nice weapon

so the contestants get all the sprites? or just 1 set of sprites per contestant?

HiryoDate: Tuesday, 2011-12-27, 9:18 AM | Message # 13
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Quote (sgn_15)
nice weapon

so the contestants get all the sprites? or just 1 set of sprites per contestant?

They get all sprites. =) Also his sword morphs. All the weapons are actually the same sword. He has sprites based on chaos. Meaning very odd. The sprites for the first model of the current tournament they get all of them. I only made two projectiles for it though. =/ One is a air spear and another is a very tiny.... well.. just something I put together and had no use for it haha.. Not even sure what to call it. But all sprites.. yes. And if a person needs more sprites which I highly doubt I can make more. As for the upcoming models... =) Them too just not this tournament. Next one will have other models... hehe. I have a lot of hidden surprises... =}
Mugen_BoyDate: Tuesday, 2011-12-27, 1:16 PM | Message # 14
God Of Animation
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Hey man i dont think you should make a non coder like me as a judge, so I say you put up some one else who is a good coder.
But I can help you by sticking this topic smile

WebstaDate: Wednesday, 2011-12-28, 1:36 AM | Message # 15
Templar Knight
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Hahaha, Checked-Board-Man looks cool, but errrr.. He doesn't have any facial features or umm.. Well, yeah. But I'll just assume his in a costume or something XD

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