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KIXDate: Wednesday, 2012-07-11, 12:25 PM | Message # 1
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Ok How Do U Code Something Like
A Char Uses A Slash With His Sword And The Enemy Goes Far Away <---- 5%
sgn_15Date: Wednesday, 2012-07-11, 12:29 PM | Message # 2
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air.velocity and ground.velocity in hitdef dumbass

i thought you already read your docs

Added (2012-07-11, 12:29 PM)

Quote (KIX)
Help (Umm Ace,Lol-Sama,Ace-Sama,Websta,Mgssj2 Anyone Except Sgn)


KIXDate: Wednesday, 2012-07-11, 12:33 PM | Message # 3
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Thnx Leo Ur Help Came In Handy And U Gave Me The Full "CODE EXAMPLE"
Quote (sgn_15)
Anyone Except Sgn <---- 5%
sgn_15Date: Wednesday, 2012-07-11, 12:33 PM | Message # 4
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Quote (sgn_15)

lol-samaDate: Friday, 2012-07-13, 11:14 PM | Message # 5
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read ground.velocity and air.velocity in hitdef docs

example :
in the hitdef add

ground.velocity = -5,-5 ;the first value is the x velocity(horizontal) so a negative value means that enemy goes away from p1,same with the 2nd value only that it's vertical a negtove value means that the enemy will go up

air.velocity is the same

Quote (KIX)
(Umm Ace,Lol-Sama,Ace-Sam


ShinuDate: Friday, 2012-07-13, 11:27 PM | Message # 6
The Chosen One
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Hey wow, you're such an ungrateful little shit.

Sgn actually puts of with your stupidity and helps you in countless threads and you're nothing but a childish little brat.

Every normal man must be tempted at times to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin to slit throats.
XenoTehNoobDate: Saturday, 2012-07-14, 0:04 AM | Message # 7
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You know all of the answers to every question you ask are in docs.

Omegaxis12Date: Saturday, 2012-07-14, 9:05 AM | Message # 8
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Quote (XenoTehNoob)
You know all of the answers to every question you ask are in docs.

as he said he read the docs but he still don't get the answers to his questions because he lacks two senses...


Quote (Shinu)
Hey wow, you're such an ungrateful little shit.

Sgn actually puts of with your stupidity and helps you in countless threads and you're nothing but a childish little brat.

oh he lack another thing but it is not a sense and it is RESPECT TO OTHERS WHO TRIES TO HELP HIM

Message edited by Omegaxis12 - Saturday, 2012-07-14, 9:11 AM
Zaraki_KenpachiDate: Saturday, 2012-07-14, 9:18 AM | Message # 9
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Can't blame him.
Common sense ey.
Sense of understanding huh.
You'll be surprised at how many people lack these two sense.
Especially the afore mentioned one.

Sgn's HP : --- 30%
Xeno's HP: ---------- 100%
Evansz's HP: ---------- 100%
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