Thats doesn't look like a clear explanation, projhits & projscale can only be written at the end of a Projectile type code Ex:
[State 1000, Projectile]
type = Projectile
trigger1 = AnimElem = 4
projanim = 1010
projhitanim = 1015
projhits = 3
projremanim = 1015
projcancelanim = 1015
projremovetime = 240
projpriority = 1
projscale = .7,.7
projshadow = -1
projsprpriority = 2
projid = 1000
projpriority = 2
offset = 85,-55
velocity = 3.9, 0
attr = S, SP
damage = 50,10
animtype = heavy
guardflag = MA
hitflag = MAFP
pausetime = 10,10
sparkno = s8880
guard.sparkno = s6767
sparkxy = 0,0
hitsound = s8000,2
guardsound = S8500,0
ground.type = high
ground.slidetime = 25
ground.hittime = 25
ground.velocity = -6
air.animtype = Back
air.velocity = -4,-6
air.juggle = 3
down.velocity = -4,-6
down.hittime = 30