Kmeaw Custom Firmware 3.55
Wutangrza Custom Firmware 3.55
GeoHot Custom Firmware 3.55
Modified Firmware 3.41 (mfw, Not to confound with 3.41 jailbreak dongles or Hermes cfw3.41)
For these firmwares, you will need either BDEMU or Lv2 patcher to access the PS3's Blu-ray emulation functions.
Download the files:
Torrent link for multiman & BDEMU ---------------------------------------------------------
Chap. 2.2 - Files preparation Step 1. Extract the downloaded archives to your computer.
Fig1. The extracted archive.
In the folder, you will find: BDrom-reset : Unmount the virtual Blu-ray drive from memory to restore real blu-ray disc playback on XMB™.
multiMAN[Last Game] : This homebrew is a shortcut to reload the last played game without launching multiMAN. In the archive, there is one for firmware 3.4x and one for 3.55.
multiMAN v2.xx.xx BASE (date and time).pkg : This is the main multiMAN installation package for your PS3.
option_default.ini : The file containing the paths preferences for multiMAN. You can edit the file in notepad or any text editor.
multiMAN_[EBOOT_FIX] : Windows application to re-sign and create PSN-like games for XMB™.
PS3Serv_GUI : A windows application to enable multiMAN to access your computer folders through your network.
USB.CFG : A config file used to enable NTFS support (Chapter 4) in multiMAN.
multiMAN packages are provided in two different versions: multiMAN ver 2.00.00 FULL (20110507_200000) WT.pkg : The WT package is a signed version of multiMAN and is the one you need if you are on Wutangrza or GeoHot custom firmware 3.55.
multiMAN ver 2.00.00 FULL (20110507_200000).pkg : This package is for PS3 firmware 3.4x with Dongle, and for Waninkoko v1, v2, Kmeaw custom firmware 3.55, or any firmware not requiring a signed installation package.
Step 2. Connect your USB drive to your computer.
Step 3. Copy the correct multiMAN pkg file, according to the firmware you are using on your PS3, to the root of your USB drive.
Step 4. If you are using Kmeaw cfw, extract and copy BDEMU-355KM.pkg to the root of your USB.
If you are using Wutangrza or GeoHot cfw, extract and copy BDEMU-355WT.pkg to the root of your USB.
If you want to use Kmeaw's Lv2 patcher instead of BDEMU, extract Lv2-v9.pkg from lv2_patcher.rar and copy the file to the root of your USB, but BDEMU is recommended for multiMAN.
Step 5. On your USB, create a new folder named games. This is the folder where your Blu-ray game's dumps will be stored when copied to the external HDD.
Step 6. [Optional] Extract and copy BDROM-Reset.pkg and copy the file to the root of your USB.
Step 7. [Optional] Extract and copy Last_game_3xx.pkg (select the one corresponding to your firmware version) and copy the file to the root of your USB.
Step 8. [optional] If you changed the options, rename options_default.ini to options.ini and copy this file to the root of your USB device. It will be automatically transfered into multiMAN internal folder upon launch.
See the Paths information's chapter (Chapter 3.1) to modify the paths stored in this options file.
Step 9. [optional] If you want NTFS support (Chapter 4), create your own USB.CFG file and copy it to the root of your USB device too. It will be automatically transfered into multiMAN internal folder upon launch.
See NTFS support to create your own file.
Your USB drive should now look like this:
The USB drive with the pkg, ready to install.
You can create the games folder if you want, but it will be created automatically when you will backup your first game to external USB drive.
Chap. 2.3 - Installation Step 1. Launch your PS3 in jailbreak mode. (Either with dongles or custom firmwares).
Step 2. Plug your USB drive into your PS3 (any USB slot, they are all working the same way) and go into the "★ Install Package Files" menu under the "Games" column of your XMB™.
Step 3. Select MultiMan v2.xx.xx and press
to install the package to your internal HDD.
Once done, proceed with BDEMU or Lv2 Patcher if you need it.
Optionally, you can now install Last_Game.
All these files are now installed in your PS3 internal HDD, press
to go back to XMB™.