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MAME PLUS! 129 With some explanations (PC)
Sou-BotDate: Friday, 2011-04-22, 7:50 PM | Message # 1
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dont download the latest version it doesnt support the neogeo games as i said be4

version: "129" i couldnt find "123" seems they removed from the entire net cuz its too old

NOTE: (when i tried i found it in "Chinese", change it to "English" here:


when u start "MAME" open : "mamepui.exe"

Some Mame Roms will require a Bios file
for an emulator to play the romset.
Bios files must be placed in "roms" folder, of emulator.
NOTE : make sure that you rename ur "roms-BIOS" folder to "ROMS" it is in the directory that contains the MAME executeable

Mame Bios Download


Added (2011-04-22, 7:49 PM)
the best site for downloadin roms :

snapshot packs: extract them and then put them in one zip file named then make a new folder named snap in the directory that contains the MAME executeable for example : "D:\Game\MAME\snap" but if u wanna let em extracted thats ok but make sure that they are in "THE SNAP FOLDER", this is how u can see the pic of the game that u wanna play when u browse ur "mame"

SnapShots Download

icon pack, its name should be "ICONS.ZIP" put it in the "icon" folder, if u dont have that folder then just make a new one named "ICONS" in the directory that contains the MAME executeable

Icon pack Download

Added (2011-04-22, 7:50 PM)

when u put a rom in the "ROM" folder do "REFRESH" by clickin "f5" or "audit all games" and the game should be on the available section in ur "mame"

u dont have to do refresh everytime u open ur mame emu just do it when u put new games in ur "MAME"
NOTE: (dont download clone roms)

now to make ur games run in a good image quality with some advenced options thats why "MAME PLUS better than other mame emus" follow This, go to:

1- Options---->Default game options

2- Display---->frame skippin (make sure that its checked)

3- under Display choose "Advanced"---->Visual effects (choose scalelines)

4- under Visual effects " image Enhancement" (choose Scale2X3).

now the game should look better as u can see on the pic below




If anyone felt insulted or attacked by someone here then tell me bout it and show me some proofs and ill see what i can do, we wanna keep it friendly here
ScorpionDate: Friday, 2011-04-22, 7:51 PM | Message # 2
The Chosen One
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thx a lot sou i will run and see how it works

btw do you download all the snapshots or no?

Message edited by Scorpion - Friday, 2011-04-22, 7:54 PM
Sou-BotDate: Friday, 2011-04-22, 7:59 PM | Message # 3
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yes u need to download them all so u can see all pics of the mame games

If anyone felt insulted or attacked by someone here then tell me bout it and show me some proofs and ill see what i can do, we wanna keep it friendly here

Message edited by Sou-Bot - Friday, 2011-04-22, 8:02 PM
ScorpionDate: Friday, 2011-04-22, 8:11 PM | Message # 4
The Chosen One
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i cant get the snapshots i have to join the site and it cost to join

Sou-BotDate: Friday, 2011-04-22, 8:49 PM | Message # 5
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i downloaded them be4 from the same site and i didnt have to register and couple mins ago i tried to download the icon pack and it started downloadin !!!!!!!!

Added (2011-04-22, 8:49 PM)
ops i think ur right u have to sign up, sorry for that by the way u dont have to download bios cuz u have them in that mame already

If anyone felt insulted or attacked by someone here then tell me bout it and show me some proofs and ill see what i can do, we wanna keep it friendly here
ScorpionDate: Friday, 2011-04-22, 9:04 PM | Message # 6
The Chosen One
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then im confused on how to get it working theres all these games it says it has though none work and there are so many options '-'

Sou-BotDate: Friday, 2011-04-22, 9:17 PM | Message # 7
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LOOK OPEN "mamepui.exe" then press f5 it will read ur bios, look at the left side of ur mame u will find available click on it ill go to and put some games link here and then ill continue explainin to u

Added (2011-04-22, 9:17 PM)
ok download this rom ssf2

If anyone felt insulted or attacked by someone here then tell me bout it and show me some proofs and ill see what i can do, we wanna keep it friendly here
ScorpionDate: Friday, 2011-04-22, 9:19 PM | Message # 8
The Chosen One
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okay i got ssf2

Sou-BotDate: Friday, 2011-04-22, 9:22 PM | Message # 9
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ok put in ur mame folder in "ROMS" then open ur mame and click refresh again and u will see the game in the available section

If anyone felt insulted or attacked by someone here then tell me bout it and show me some proofs and ill see what i can do, we wanna keep it friendly here

Message edited by Sou-Bot - Friday, 2011-04-22, 11:11 PM
Mugen_BoyDate: Friday, 2011-04-22, 10:40 PM | Message # 10
God Of Animation
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thanks for this Sou! smile
btw doesnt have roms for NDS and GBA?

Sou-BotDate: Saturday, 2011-04-23, 1:32 AM | Message # 11
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ur welcome "Mugen_Boy", i did some stupid mistakes in this thread but i fixed them now n yeah that site doesnt have roms for NDS and GBA but u can find all mame roms there ive never downloaded roms for other emulators from that site

Added (2011-04-23, 1:32 Am)
ok i need u to focus with this, to play neogeo games on ur "MAME" you should download "Neo Geo AES Bios" here:
NeoGeo AES Bios

and download nd Neo Geo Debug Bios here :
Neo Geo Debug Bios

extract them and put the files INTO your that u have in the "ROM" folder of ur "MAME" game then do refresh....Done

now download a Neogeo rom for example : metal slug 3

put it in the "ROM" folder.....refresh again, now the game works Buut u cant find it in the "Available" section i mean here :

to find that game select "all Games" section above the "available" section then just go to the searchin box above on the right side of ur "MAME" here:

type the name of the game that uve downloaded : ( mslug3 ) and dont type it like this ( ) now you should find it there look at the pic

double click on the game and play hope u got this.

If anyone felt insulted or attacked by someone here then tell me bout it and show me some proofs and ill see what i can do, we wanna keep it friendly here

Message edited by Sou-Bot - Saturday, 2011-04-23, 1:37 AM
ScorpionDate: Saturday, 2011-04-23, 2:18 AM | Message # 12
The Chosen One
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okay i finally got a game to work biggrin

how do you change controls

and know which rom is for what

Sou-BotDate: Saturday, 2011-04-23, 4:05 AM | Message # 13
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i found the "SNAPSHOT" in one pack :


username: mamechannel

password: arts

put it in the "SNAP" folder

Added (2011-04-23, 2:24 Am)
Icon pack: Download

username: mamechannel

password: arts

put it in the "ICONS" folder

Added (2011-04-23, 2:36 Am)
(damn this connection is killin me)

change ur control from the TAB botton on keyboard


and know which rom is for what

here :

Added (2011-04-23, 3:03 Am)
Flyer pack :

username: mamechannel

password: arts

if u dont have flyer folder then create it in ur mame game folder and put that pack
Cabinet pack :Download

username: mamechannel

password: arts

if u dont have cabinet folder then create it in ur mame game folder and put that pack

Added (2011-04-23, 4:05 Am)
This is the list of my mame games, just type the name of the rom in the searchin box of ur mame and ull see the the game's pic since u have the snapshot installed but make sure that u select "ALL GAMES" on the left side of ur mame emu above and if u like the game type its name in that site that i posted in this thread and download

If anyone felt insulted or attacked by someone here then tell me bout it and show me some proofs and ill see what i can do, we wanna keep it friendly here

Message edited by Sou-Bot - Saturday, 2011-04-23, 4:13 AM
mugenfan99Date: Saturday, 2011-04-23, 6:39 PM | Message # 14
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nice tutorial, unfortunately, i can't get a single game to work right.
Zaraki_KenpachiDate: Saturday, 2011-04-23, 6:50 PM | Message # 15
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Quote (mugenfan99)
nice tutorial, unfortunately, i can't get a single game to work right.

Follow it step by step then.

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