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Here is my work in graphics fields
uzumakisDate: Friday, 2011-03-25, 7:56 PM | Message # 1
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I create mostly the wallpapers,avatars,sig and stuff like that
some of them are edits too they were to simple i made them charming by adding effects

Message edited by uzumakis - Friday, 2011-03-25, 7:58 PM
MysticDragonDate: Friday, 2011-03-25, 8:01 PM | Message # 2
The Chosen One
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They're cool uzumakis up v
uzumakisDate: Friday, 2011-03-25, 8:04 PM | Message # 3
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ya but still they need improvements
the second one was my project with dragon on it
i was going to animate it and use it as my sig in your site but then i lose my heart and give up i got bored

MysticDragonDate: Friday, 2011-03-25, 8:10 PM | Message # 4
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Quote (uzumakis)
the second one was my project with dragon on it
i was going to animate it and use it as my sig in your site but then i lose my heart and give up i got bored

but its cool and almost same as the dragon my sig too
anyway you were goin to use such big sig?
uzumakisDate: Friday, 2011-03-25, 8:19 PM | Message # 5
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nope it is just a sample there is still lot of work to do on it
animating it making it to imrpove its quality
here are some more

Mugen_BoyDate: Friday, 2011-03-25, 8:23 PM | Message # 6
God Of Animation
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Nice uzu, did you check out mine? (just see my sign lol)

uzumakisDate: Friday, 2011-03-25, 8:29 PM | Message # 7
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hmm not bad
i have one on pain too i created it about two weeks ago

Mugen_BoyDate: Friday, 2011-03-25, 8:37 PM | Message # 8
God Of Animation
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But it's like the same style
just a tip, try to change the styles and designs ^^
Other than that I like the dragon most happy

KunshinDate: Friday, 2011-03-25, 8:37 PM | Message # 9
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i REALLY like that pein on (cuz of the eyes) do you use photoshop?

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uzumakisDate: Friday, 2011-03-25, 8:42 PM | Message # 10
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ya photoshop along with other softwares creating the lights was diff task
and about that background mugen boy i did it on my ow so that it can be little blury and light clear
here are other two

Mugen_BoyDate: Friday, 2011-03-25, 8:44 PM | Message # 11
God Of Animation
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both are awesome cool

KunshinDate: Friday, 2011-03-25, 8:45 PM | Message # 12
The Chosen One
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it came with ur computer? or u bought it? (trying to get it free xD

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uzumakisDate: Friday, 2011-03-25, 8:46 PM | Message # 13
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i bought it online

KunshinDate: Friday, 2011-03-25, 8:48 PM | Message # 14
The Chosen One
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dang @.@, kk

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uzumakisDate: Friday, 2011-03-25, 8:51 PM | Message # 15
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photoshop doesnt matter all what matters are your skill i m not saying that i m good or stugg like that i mean you need to try again and again by the way here are the last one of my created images of previous month


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