mugen chars, rare characters
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DotzDate: Wednesday, 2009-08-12, 10:08 PM | Message # 1
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^can't get more non-specific than that :P

anyway, I'm 17 (18 in 3 months) and I wish I could create mugen characters.

however, I DO know a guy who has created a few characters (I have yet to find out whether he released them or not)

he has created (or so he says)

Magic Wand
an edited version of apocalypse with an easier to execute moveset.

I haven't seen him over the summer so he might have done more. When I see him again, I'll try (again) to get him to put it on a mugen site or esnips. (or at least show them to me, as of now I think he was lying, but whatever.)

buyDate: Thursday, 2009-08-13, 7:54 PM | Message # 2
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Mysterious creator?
DotzDate: Monday, 2009-09-07, 3:57 AM | Message # 3
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you could say that I guess. I don't even know if he is on a mugen site, and what his alias would be. (although he does go by 'feet' when we play super smash bros brawl)
uzumakisDate: Friday, 2010-04-02, 10:37 AM | Message # 4
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can search by search mode

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