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Ultraboard101Date: Monday, 2012-04-30, 1:30 PM | Message # 1
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Hey guys, i know this is mostly a naurto dominant fourm, (no offense but i hate naruto) but i have been posting here for a little while now. I started making mugen characters back in 2007. Back then, i made a whole bunch of private Kingdom Hearts characters, and at the time i didn't realize that they where utter SHIT. I quit mugen for a while, and started doing other things (like skateboarding - something i did before i started mugen but it took over, and smoking weed, and some more smoking weed.) Well i decided to quit the drugs, and as something to keep my brain occupied, i picked mugen back up again. Since then, i have learned so many errors and bad things ive done on my old creations from 2007-2009. Ive met a good group of friends who have taught me a WHOLE lot more about coding and now im here to revamp all of my old works as well as make a bunch of new kingdom hearts characters. Im making a full game, with a +20 character roster. So far (not to sound self seeded or anything, but looking at the quality of all the kingdom hearts characters ive seen, none come close to the ones ive made.) I have alot of fun making them, spriting them and what not. Thats another thing - Im a pretty avid spriter as well, so it gives me a certain connection with the characters i make. Now its not fair to take credit.
because from riku and on (riku was my last release, currently working on Xemnas,) ive found a very professional spriter, named RPGZexion who loves to help me out with attacks and required movements. So, pretty much for anyone who cares, thats pretty much my mugen story. If you wanna check out the stuff ive made since i came back after i quit smoking weed, check out my site -




Warhammer 40k Space Marines
Get it done.

Message edited by Ultraboard101 - Monday, 2012-04-30, 11:18 PM
Leo116Date: Monday, 2012-04-30, 1:46 PM | Message # 2
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Hey, you make good characters but please make some other characters like DBZ and Naruto.
And the link you gave is wrong please change it.

XenoTehNoobDate: Monday, 2012-04-30, 5:31 PM | Message # 3
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no offense but i hate naruto

please make some other characters like DBZ and Naruto.

Next time read the post, Leo. Also he will create whoever he wants to, so don't ask him like you're telling him to do it.

Leo116Date: Monday, 2012-04-30, 5:45 PM | Message # 4
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Quote (XenoTehNoob)
Next time read the post, Leo. Also he will create whoever he wants to, so don't ask him like you're telling him to do it.

I read the post and I am not telling him to make DBZ and Naruto characters I am just requesting him...
If he hates naruto so he can make DBZ.

Message edited by Leo116 - Monday, 2012-04-30, 5:48 PM
XenoTehNoobDate: Monday, 2012-04-30, 6:16 PM | Message # 5
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Leo116 If you read the post why did you ask him to code Naruto? Sorry. You shouldn't be requesting him to make characters, if you want them so bad learn to code.

But whatever, welcome Ultraboard! I enjoy your originality and KH characters. Do you have any plans for when you're done with your KH project?

BarthkumaDate: Monday, 2012-04-30, 9:05 PM | Message # 6
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Quote (XenoTehNoob)
If you read the post why did you ask him to code Naruto? Sorry. You shouldn't be requesting him to make characters, if you want them so bad learn to code.
well even if he requested it, it defends on the creator if he accept the request or not, if he refuse then so be it, no hard feeling 2 the requester simple as that, so theres no need to get worked up over such small things anyway and im pretty sure that he will refuse that request because he hates naruto..

but i do hate this game , i finish kh2 game and it didnt impressed me at all and looks childish to me because of the cross over of the disney cartoon dry

Message edited by Barthkuma - Monday, 2012-04-30, 9:10 PM
Leo116Date: Monday, 2012-04-30, 10:17 PM | Message # 7
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Quote (XenoTehNoob)
Leo116 If you read the post why did you ask him to code Naruto? Sorry. You shouldn't be requesting him to make characters, if you want them so bad learn to code.

I just requested, there is no need to get exhausted. If he does not want to make those characters so he should not make it.
Anyways we are getting off topic so we should stop it....

Ultraboard101Date: Monday, 2012-04-30, 11:25 PM | Message # 8
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Quote (Leo116)
Hey, you make good characters but please make some other characters like DBZ and Naruto.
And the link you gave is wrong please change it.

Sorry i dont do request period. Regaurdless if i like the series or not, ive turned down Kingdom Hearts requests before. But, ill eventually have to do some of them for the full game. Thanks for informing me about the link, it was adding a ucoz url to it for some reason....not sure why, i fixed it though thanks.

Quote (XenoTehNoob)

But whatever, welcome Ultraboard! I enjoy your originality and KH characters. Do you have any plans for when you're done with your KH project?

The Xeno, hmmmm plans for after the game. Well if you look at my signature, my friend custom drew that for me, its a space marine from Warhammer 40k Space Marines, id really like to make one of them, all of their actions are really brutal and bloody, but after the KH project, it will most likely be whatever sprites i find that interest me.

Quote (Barthkuma)
but i do hate this game , i finish kh2 game and it didnt impressed me at all and looks childish to me because of the cross over of the disney cartoon

Thats fine, to each his own. Honestly though, i felt KH2 was more mature and adult feeling then any of the other games, besides maybe Days or BBS, because of orgnization 13. In my oppion they add a serious tone to the game. But again no effece taken! I know theres alot of haters of Kingdom Hearts for the crossover element.

Warhammer 40k Space Marines
Get it done.
BarthkumaDate: Tuesday, 2012-05-01, 8:18 AM | Message # 9
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Quote (Ultraboard101)
Thats fine, to each his own. Honestly though, i felt KH2 was more mature and adult feeling then any of the other games, besides maybe Days or BBS, because of orgnization 13. In my oppion they add a serious tone to the game. But again no effece taken! I know theres alot of haters of Kingdom Hearts for the crossover element.

well i have to say those organization 13 is more like an akatsuki to me when i 1st see them in the game and yea i hate also the cross over of kh, except for the Final fantasy chars biggrin so goodluck in your game happy

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