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SlayerDate: Saturday, 2012-06-16, 7:29 PM | Message # 1
Templar Knight
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Messages: 258
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never done this before bu h..hi

ScorpionDate: Saturday, 2012-06-16, 7:35 PM | Message # 2
The Chosen One
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Sup dude.

SlayerDate: Saturday, 2012-06-16, 7:39 PM | Message # 3
Templar Knight
Group: contributor
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Quote (Scorpion)

Okay then

N1nYoDate: Saturday, 2012-06-16, 7:42 PM | Message # 4
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SlayerDate: Saturday, 2012-06-16, 7:43 PM | Message # 5
Templar Knight
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Messages: 258
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N1nYo, Have we met before .
yes you were the one that got beaten by zaraki in a battle of wits

N1nYoDate: Saturday, 2012-06-16, 7:44 PM | Message # 6
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Quote (Slayer)
N1nYo, Have we met before .
yes you were the one that got beaten by zaraki in a battle of wits

Yeah about that what battle was that i wanna see the link because i don't even remember.
SlayerDate: Saturday, 2012-06-16, 7:45 PM | Message # 7
Templar Knight
Group: contributor
Messages: 258
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N1nYo, you've been scared in your heart.
Trying to erase it from your memory

sweetfire13Date: Saturday, 2012-06-16, 8:14 PM | Message # 8
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Quote (Slayer)
N1nYo, you've been scared in your heart.
Trying to erase it from your memory

Quote (Slayer)
yes you were the one that got beaten by zaraki in a battle of wits

Don't start shit please.

spritekeyfinderDate: Sunday, 2012-06-17, 10:10 AM | Message # 9
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SlayerDate: Sunday, 2012-06-17, 11:13 PM | Message # 10
Templar Knight
Group: contributor
Messages: 258
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Status: Offline
hello or halo

Zaraki_KenpachiDate: Sunday, 2012-06-17, 11:54 PM | Message # 11
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You're trolling level has increased again.
Aso, why is it that when my name is mentioned in a post it is classified as
Quote (Sweet)

Sgn's HP : --- 30%
Xeno's HP: ---------- 100%
Evansz's HP: ---------- 100%
KuripikaDate: Sunday, 2015-11-08, 7:52 AM | Message # 12
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Hello my dear friends,
I am Slayer. After a few years of browsing the net and being away from this forum i have come to the hurtful realization of this forums closure. However, this forum serves the purpose of reminding me where my days of being a discussion instigator began, aka a 'Troll'. So.. what brings me to back to this forum?
I have comeback to collect a few sigs and avatars i had saved on here, but it proved futile as my account is banned. Instead, i decided to take this opportunity to explain to some of you what i have been up to, i have been tracking each and every one of your ip's in hope of uniting us again, only joking, i only tracked Sweetfire's ip for the sole reason of giving him sweets in order to catalyse the  effect of his diabetes. Yes, i do know i have transgressed, but my argument is that it was inevitable.

Nostalgia, sweet but bitter. Juxtaposition, is the least of my worries. My motive for coming back to this forum was exposed, but my motive for posting is unclear. Let me clear the mist, i simply want to aggravate some of the original members so much they dare not withstand not posting. My literature skills a few years was back was severely lacking, it still is, but it is enough to keep a few barbaric apes at bay.

Now, some of you may be thinking where has the infamous Zaraki dispersed to?
Well, him being my brother and all is the reason some may ask. We used to come as a package, but now i run solo, i have come on this expenditure alone, so feel free to group in large quantities and try belittle me as you once did. The keyword being 'try', Nothing to personal, i don't really like getting annoyed at making kids cry.

Reply or not, i have found closure either way. Your best friend Slayer.
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