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Site Rules
buyDate: Sunday, 2012-04-29, 6:05 PM | Message # 1
Group: Administrators
Messages: 1243
Awards: 2
Reputation: 14
Status: Offline
1. Members are not allowed to engage in threatening behavior toward other members.
2. No short, low quality posts like "bump", "lol", "roflmao", "thanks" and any repeated characters.
3. Don't give meaningless rep, whether it is - or +.
4. No direct links to infected downloads in posts or profiles.
5. No posting of personal information that isn't yours. Privacy is to be respected here.
6. Signature images can be no larger than 650x280 pixels and 500k size. Animated gifs should not be annoying.
7. You cannot ask for or offer reputation in posts, signatures, or PM. This includes encouragement like "rep is appreciated".
8. No adult images, adult links, or adult account trading.
9. Multiple accounts will not be allowed.
10. Advertising of competing sites is not allowed.
11. No threads or posts for donation begging. This includes loan requests.
12. No political or religious expression in your profile. This includes user titles, signatures, and avatars.
13. Post in the correct category. Read the forum descriptions if you are confused.
14. Use good grammar. Basically start sentences with a capital and end it with punctuation.
15. Don't cross post. That's when you repeat a post in multiple threads or categories.
16. Create relevant subjects for threads.
17. Be kind to others.
18. Try to take criticism: Don't go mad over someone's criticism and post saying "Show me something better" or "You try to do it". Learn to take it properly without arguing and try to improve yourself. If posts like these are seen, they will be deleted without giving the user any notice. But if the criticism is not helping and is just 'sucks' or it is more like a troll, the user will be warned and the post will be deleted.
20. Please respect the mods and admins: Although you may not always agree 100%, the mods and admins want to keep this place friendly and fun. We try to end arguments whenever possible in a NEUTRAL manner, but sometimes we might not appear 'on your side'. This does not mean that we hate you, we simply want the arguments to stop.
21. No bumping threads without waiting 24 hours! And please don't bump more than twice in one thread. Try sharing the link to the thread with members in other ways.

Rules about Spam

1) Don't post anything extremely vulgar/gross

2) No spamming. Spamming is:

- Posting the same thing over and over, or only posting to advertise.
- Although we appreciate your enthusiasm for the forum, hitting over 100 posts in a single day MIGHT get you temporarily banned. (depending on post quality of course)
- Posting one word responses like "This" or "LOL" or even just a single smiley. Please try to add something to the conversation.
Sometimes your post might be deleted by the Admin or the Mods, that is, if your post was off-topic or wasn't needed in the thread.

3)Stay civil. If a problem arises, contact a Mod/Admin and tell about your problem.

4) Try to post within the correct categories. It will help members to find content in the long run. If you don't know where to post something, just ask.

5) No reviving dead topics unless you have a good reason for that

To newbies: If you accidentally revive a dead thread once, don't worry about it. But if you continue to revive dead threads, you might get a reproof. Please be sure to look at the date of the last post.

To members: If you see a dead thread revived, just ignore it. Also, there is no need to report it to an admin or mod. We have eyes we can see it. If we feel that something needs to be done about it, we'll take care of it.

- If a thread of yours gets locked due to inactivity, you can always ask an admin or mod to unlock it for you.
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