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SinGoku's Quest for Power
SinGokuDate: Thursday, 2010-04-22, 9:10 PM | Message # 181
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A wins.....-continue-

"Hmm.... I dont like the sound of that."

SinGoku flies over towards the area in which Xicor was sent.
After a while of searching, SinGoku finds Xicor standing amongst rubble and debris,
with minimal damage.

Xicor: Nice strategy, attacking me when I was distracted.. And a pretty decent attack aswell.
May have worked.. If I was anyone else.. Now, lets see what I can do to respond.

Xicor begins gathering power, a dark green glow surrounds him, and green bolts of electricity
envelop his body.

Xicor: first trick... Doppalganger..

Xicor splits into 4 Xicors, but unlike the multiforms used in the past, this one seems different...
SinGoku quickly realizes that their power have not decreased at all, infact they have improved.

Xicor(1): You look confused...
Xicor(2): but dont worry, I'm sure you'll figure out what to do.
Xicor(3): If you dont...Well this fight wont last much longer.
Xicor(4): hahahaha, you ready?

"Huh?, How can they all be speaking?"
"Whats going on here?..."

Xicor(3): Well, this isnt multiform...This is Doppalganger..
Xicor(4): See, unlike the multiform that you are familiar with, Doppalganger
creates real duplicates, each with their own thoughts.
Xicor(2): So this fight just became a 4-on-1.
Xicor(1): what will you do, father?... How will you win against four of me, when you
cant even beat me 1-on-1?

-To himself-
"Damn.... I have to find a way to neutralize those doppalgangers, or Im not gonna last ver-"

Demon wings activate: def. atk. pl -65%, Hp. +100%.

" Damn it!, Not now!"

In an unfortunate turn of events, SinGoku's wings cripple him, and is now at the mercy of a
powerfull enenmy in Xicor... How will SinGoku defeat four opponents, when he no longer has
the power to defeat one?

What should SinGoku do?

A. stall for time and hope that the affects end.
B. Fight anyway and show his saiyan pride.
C. See if he can find someone to back him up (Xicor may lose respect for you if you ask for help, he
may also kill you instantly.)
D. Admit that you lost and surrender.

KaizakoDate: Friday, 2010-04-23, 0:11 AM | Message # 182
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i guess C, its the best shot you got

not B beasue we all know what happens when you have too much saiyn pride -you get the crap beat outta you (*cough, *cogh- vegeta)

Message edited by Kaizako - Friday, 2010-04-23, 0:11 AM
striderhienDate: Friday, 2010-04-23, 1:21 AM | Message # 183
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*hien has perfectly recovered and is approaching xicor and singoku with a slow walk*
Hien: "doppelganger? that reminds me of someone i know... 4 on 1 is not fair, don't you agree... hiryu?"
*hiryu appears by hien's side*
hiryu: "so now you think we should attack at cost of ruining his honour?"
Hien: "now it's 4 vs 1,so he has the right to get help, isn't it true?"
*hiryu picks up a cell phone*
Hiryu: "HQ, i have hien the traitor fight by my side..."
Hien: "WHAT? you guys are still trying to capture me???"
Hiryu: "understood... Hien you are allowed to help me, also, a team of 3 striders is coming to capture you in case you try to ascape after the fight has ended"
Hien: "gee... thanks, are they going to help fighting xicor?"
hiryu: "they are a special team trained only to fight you... no, they won't fight xicor"
*both hien and hiryu stopat the right side of the battlefield*
Hien: "Hoi, singoku! need some help with him?"
Hiryu: "the doppelganger tecnique... didn't think i would met someone able to make it like me..."

uzumakisDate: Friday, 2010-04-23, 1:48 PM | Message # 184
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c is perfecty weckty

ŁfenrirŁDate: Saturday, 2010-04-24, 0:34 AM | Message # 185
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well I go with C some help wouldnt hurt in this situation

Added (2010-04-24, 0:34 Am)
-talking to myself-
though that power is really strong and the smart thing to do would be to go the other way but my curiosity seems to always win me over
*begins to walk towards the power*
comeon use my head
*lifts myself up with my ultima and slowly flys towards the strong power*
now I cant get to close just close enough to watch......
wow I'm a far ways away this could take forever

WIP SoiFon Picture Ripped by Dan Mt
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Message edited by ŁfenrirŁ - Saturday, 2010-04-24, 0:38 AM
striderhienDate: Saturday, 2010-04-24, 0:35 AM | Message # 186
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Quote (ŁfenrirŁ)
well I go with D some times its better to just give up considering the state you are in it might take full days to wear off so giveing up may just be the smart way of saveing your own life

ahem... Xicor is EVIL!

wich means he would say "you surrender? hmpf, then you are not worth living!"
surrender to an evil characer is the worst thing ever

ŁfenrirŁDate: Saturday, 2010-04-24, 0:37 AM | Message # 187
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Quote (striderhien)
ahem... Xicor is EVIL!
wich means he would say "you surrender? hmpf, then you are not worth living!"
surrender to an evil characer is the worst thing ever

you do have a strong point.... a really strong point

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SinGokuDate: Monday, 2010-04-26, 9:02 PM | Message # 188
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Everyone says C, so C it is -continue-

*breathing Heavy*

"Hey, thats not fair, its suppose to be a 1-on-1 fight... If you get help, then so do I...

*speaks with his mind*
"Hey gang, Goku here and Im in a bit of a pickle... While you all know normally I wouldnt never
ask for help, my current opponent is using some unique multiform technique and unfortunatly,
I am in no condition to fight them all.. So If anyone wants to come and give a guy a hand, your
more than welcome. I'll see if I can buy some time until someone arrives."

*turns to Xicor*

"Your tougher than I thought, I shouldnt have been so careless."
"But dont think for one second that this is over."

SinGoku stands up, attempting to bluff Xicor while he waits for help.

Xicor: Outnumbered, and outmatched... Yet you still fight on... Excellent, that is a
sign of a true saiyan warrior. Fight and die in battle, with honor.

SinGoku Uses Instant Transmission and moves far away from Xicor.

striderhienDate: Tuesday, 2010-04-27, 0:09 AM | Message # 189
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Hien: "Hiryu!"
Hiryu: "Understood"
*Hiryu get's his flyer and approaches the warzone*
*Hien... is already there*
Hien: "1, 2, 3 and 4... 4 doppelgangers, hiryu can make only 2 lasting more than 1 second... Xicor! you want a true challenge? (let's hope he doesn't understand the power of a cypher). trust me, this is the greatest weapon in the world, not even singoku can block it: if you manage to block a slash from it, then you really are the strongest in the universe"
*hien tries to bluff a xicor doppelganger: if he falls for it... 1 down, 3 more to go*

uzumakisDate: Tuesday, 2010-04-27, 0:14 AM | Message # 190
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it is overpowered a little

striderhienDate: Tuesday, 2010-04-27, 0:32 AM | Message # 191
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Quote (uzumakis)
it is overpowered a little

what, the cypher?
if the enemy doesn't try to dodge, the cypher is my death attack (unless the enemy regenerates like majin buu, but sayan don't have that ability XD)
that is what happens when you have a weapon that can cut anything (the worst thing is that you can't keep it inside a scabbard cause it would get cut into 2 >.>)... ever wondered why my scarf is that weird? cause it happened often that my cypher ruined it

Message edited by striderhien - Tuesday, 2010-04-27, 0:33 AM
uzumakisDate: Tuesday, 2010-04-27, 0:43 AM | Message # 192
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oh i see

ŁfenrirŁDate: Tuesday, 2010-04-27, 7:31 AM | Message # 193
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*still floating slowly towards the fight*
well he needs help... but would I really be help or would I just get in the way?
SHUT UP ŁfenrirŁ!? wait now im talking to myself ok i am so bored strong guys here I come
I'll try to get there its the best I can do
*speeds up my floating*
It could still take a good 10 minutes
*thinks to myself* (I could just use my control over ultima to warp me but then again....)

WIP SoiFon Picture Ripped by Dan Mt
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Message edited by ŁfenrirŁ - Tuesday, 2010-04-27, 7:32 AM
uzumakisDate: Tuesday, 2010-04-27, 11:22 AM | Message # 194
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Quote (ŁfenrirŁ)
*still floating slowly towards the fight*

there is a lot of twist going to take place feel like it

SinGokuDate: Tuesday, 2010-04-27, 5:45 PM | Message # 195
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Quote (striderhien)
hien tries to bluff a xicor doppelganger:

Dice roll...... Xicor: 8, Hien: 5- Bluff failed.

Xicor: HAHAHAHAHA!!!, You think your little toy is a threat to me?!
Come on then, so that I may show you how much of a failure you truly are!

Hien appears to have gotten the attention of the Xicors, how should SinGoku use the
limited time he has?

A. Try to regain some of his power.
B. Attempt to ascend in his weakened state. ( chance of ascention is low, but if successfull, all stats will increase by 50.)
C. Try to help as much as he can.
D. Sit out on the fight and wait for the affect of his wings to change.

Message edited by SinGoku - Tuesday, 2010-04-27, 7:15 PM

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