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fix projectile scales smaller
x47aksphlecksDate: Friday, 2012-03-23, 2:30 AM | Message # 1
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i currently resized my chars to make them look more sharp. no cyclops for example lazer beam is one head above him in placement .... it says put 1 to enable projectile scaling but no were to put the scale corid. .... cant find anyone or anywere too figure this out????
sgn_15Date: Friday, 2012-03-23, 8:48 AM | Message # 2
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depends if the projectile is coded as a projectile or helper

for projectile, find projscale = ###, ###

sample: projscale = 0.5, 0.7
it means 0.5 for x scale and 0.7 for y scale

for helper, find the helper sctrl

[State 0, Helper]
type = Helper
trigger1 =
helpertype = normal ;player
name =
ID =
stateno =
pos = 0,0
postype = p1 ;p2,front,back,left,right
facing = 1
keyctrl = 0
ownpal = 0
size.xscale = ###
size.yscale = ###

size.xscale = 0.5
size.yscale = 0.2

it means 0.5 for x scale and 0.2 for y scale

MGSSJ2Date: Friday, 2012-03-23, 9:35 AM | Message # 3
Mystic Coder
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But this way he'd have to resize all helpers. It's a pain xD

cliffalphonseDate: Friday, 2012-03-23, 4:26 PM | Message # 4
Templar Knight
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Quote (MGSSJ2)
But this way he'd have to resize all helpers. It's a pain xD

yea i just wish the helper and everything else would resize like mg said you would have to resize the helper or else turn the chars scale back to the way it was
x47aksphlecksDate: Saturday, 2012-03-24, 6:26 AM | Message # 5
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for most my players i dont even see this in there const folders. Some have them and others have no option and its not in helps either just projID. But even to do this for every char would be more than tedious maybe ill just wait for a new version??? thanks for for the tips everyone!!!
sgn_15Date: Saturday, 2012-03-24, 6:29 AM | Message # 6
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projscale and helper scales can be omitted from the codes. the default scale is of course 1,1.

but yeah it would be tedious to do that, as well as fix the positions of every proj/helper

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