mugen chars, rare characters
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Fresh mugen
striderhienDate: Sunday, 2012-03-18, 11:08 PM | Message # 1
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ok guys i am about to start making a fresh mugen, i want it to be based on 2 chars per style, better if enemies/rivals.
something like Ryu/Ken - Hiryu/Hien - Morrigan/Lilith - Dante/Vergil
got it? kay, now... got any suggestion?
as of now i started downloading main stuff, post couples of chars here if you wish to help me.

Message edited by striderhien - Saturday, 2012-03-24, 3:17 PM
N1nYoDate: Sunday, 2012-03-18, 11:27 PM | Message # 2
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i only know chibi chars most and rivals and enemies are gonna be much harder so all i can do is to wish you good luck with your mugen ^^
striderhienDate: Sunday, 2012-03-18, 11:34 PM | Message # 3
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thanks, while roaming in my memory i remembered megaman X and zero anyway

N1nYoDate: Sunday, 2012-03-18, 11:41 PM | Message # 4
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Quote (striderhien)
thanks, while roaming in my memory i remembered megaman X and zero anyway

oh yeah dammit i knew those two but are there any bigger versions of them so non - chibi
striderhienDate: Monday, 2012-03-19, 0:14 AM | Message # 5
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yeah, i had them in my old mugen

sgn_15Date: Monday, 2012-03-19, 7:22 AM | Message # 6
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lucy and natsu both by uchiha, they are not chibis

striderhienDate: Monday, 2012-03-19, 5:58 PM | Message # 7
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i don't want it to have lots of chars: 16 should be fine, did they fix old AI problems in mugen 1.0? or if i put the old strider hiryu there it will still refuse to use it's moves?
cause i always stayed away from 1.0 because of the AI problems i had with it.

sgn_15Date: Monday, 2012-03-19, 6:07 PM | Message # 8
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Quote (striderhien)
did they fix old AI problems in mugen 1.0?

i am not sure which specific problems you were mentioning. but were you using the RC versions of 1.0 back then? try the chars in the mugen 1.0 final version.

well the lucy and natsu chars i mentioned were for 1.0 though, so for those 2 chars at least, you won't have problems in 1.0

striderhienDate: Monday, 2012-03-19, 8:27 PM | Message # 9
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well the only way out is trying huh? gonna tell you if i still get the problems i had

N1nYoDate: Monday, 2012-03-19, 8:40 PM | Message # 10
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Quote (striderhien)
i don't want it to have lots of chars: 16 should be fine,

why only 16 i use 60 xD but i guess it is ppls choice ^^
striderhienDate: Monday, 2012-03-19, 10:47 PM | Message # 11
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mugen 1.0 works, now i need to get a decent screenpack for it, with low amount of slots too
also i am still looking for a good lilith
as of now chars in it are
hien and hiryu
Cloud and Squall
Jin and Kazuya
Morrigan and a crappy version of Lilith
putting the project on a pause since i'm working on it on all my free time gonna restart tomorrow

sweetfire13Date: Tuesday, 2012-03-20, 1:37 AM | Message # 12
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Quote (striderhien)
now i need to get a decent screenpack for it, with low amount of slots too

Quote (striderhien)
also i am still looking for a good lilith

striderhienDate: Wednesday, 2012-03-21, 7:37 AM | Message # 13
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found a screenpack i like, on my bro's "wth give it moar characters" i decided to go for one with more slots and leave out the friends/rivals idea (sigh)
now i need lifebars since the screenpack i found has HORRIBLE ones, and finding good HD lifebars is hard (hd means 1280X720)
but hey! i found the lifebars i need, only 1 problem... can't download them: for some reason it won't download. so i'm asking you guys if you can download this
screenpack and reupload it to something like mediafire or megaupl... oh yeah... anyway, it's uploading system isn't allowing me to download it so if someone manages to get it and reupload it somewhere i could get it i would be really grateful.

anyway i found some really cool chars around when i was looking for stuff, dunno if they are in the database but here's some:
(too lazy to put links)
kazuya mishima CVS style
Jin kazama non chibi
a very good Squall Leonhart (has even the trigger for gunblade attacks)

N1nYoDate: Wednesday, 2012-03-21, 3:44 PM | Message # 14
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lol glad to hear that btw you can change your description on the thread xD
striderhienDate: Thursday, 2012-03-22, 11:39 PM | Message # 15
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what do you mean change description? anyway... UPDATE TIME biggrin

-i dropped the original idea of a widescreen mugen (not enough widescreen stuff around)
and made it classic, found a great screenpack with bad music (which i replaced as soon as i got it -thanks newgrounds audio portal)
-i restarted with the idea of the friends/rivals thanks to me finding my old edit of lilith (which i then un-edited to have the good old lilith i had on old pc).
-started adding stages and music (i intend to have 1 stage per character, and so that means 1 music per character)
-having troubles finding a stage that fits hiryu and hien
-found a rival for squall leonhart (cloud strife, both the guys fighted alongside in dissidia)
-added ryu and ken mvc style so they have actually different moves
-are you actually reading all this stuff i'm writing?
-having troubles finding a battle theme that fits mugen for hien (since his battle theme is not in the battling mood)
-removed particles off a stage to make it compatible with mugen 1.0
-need to get info about king of fighters storyline to implement some characters from there
-still no order in arcade, can meet anyone

that's about it i guess, i'll keep you informed on how i'm going

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