Quote (sgn_15)
[State 0, 3]
type = HitDef
trigger1 =
affectteam = F
attr = S, NA
animtype = Light
damage = 1
guardflag = NA
priority = 2, Hit
pausetime = 0,2
sparkno = s6009 <--------------adding S to a number means you have anim 6009 in your character, it will use your anim 6009 as your hitspark
;you can use 10,11,12, whatever that will be effects used from your screenpack's fight.sff
sparkxy = -25,-5 ;<---------------for aligning your hitspark
hitsound = 5,1
guardsound = 6,0
ground.type = High
ground.slidetime = 10
ground.hittime = 11
ground.velocity = -4,-2
air.velocity = -4,-2
But The HitSprk's Sprite Effect Where Is ThatAdded (2012-05-21, 3:43 PM)
Never Mind Found It 0__0