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bug in changing state when the helper hit the opponent
sgn_15Date: Tuesday, 2012-04-24, 1:56 PM | Message # 16
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helper(2010),animtime = 0 should have taken care of that.

as long as helper hits p2, and its animtime = 0 and also p1's animatime = 0, p1 should go to state 790

try this

;when hit successful
[State -1]
type = ChangeState
trigger1 = helper(2010),movehit && helper(2010), animtime = 0 && animtime = 0
value = 790
ctrl = 1

;when helper hit NOT successful (blocked/guarded) or helper's attack is dodged
[State -1]
type = ChangeState
trigger1 = helper(2010),movehit = 0 && helper(2010), animtime = 0 && animtime = 0
value = 0
ctrl = 1

Omegaxis12Date: Tuesday, 2012-04-24, 2:14 PM | Message # 17
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i tried it also but the bug like before about continues attack without stop is happening
sgn_15Date: Tuesday, 2012-04-24, 2:17 PM | Message # 18
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Quote (Omegaxis12)
about continues attack without stop is happening

huh? i thought the problem was about p1's changestate? then the new problem is about the helper not destroying?

Omegaxis12Date: Tuesday, 2012-04-24, 2:23 PM | Message # 19
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hmmm, i think u misinterpret me.... smile
their are two bugs occuring

1. is the original bug about p1 changestate<--- this occurs because of my code

2. is because of the code you gave me<----- this one is not about helper not destroying its about my char summoning my helper(2010) non stop smile

would you like me to send you my char for two reasons
for you to test my beta
and for you to see the bug

Message edited by Omegaxis12 - Tuesday, 2012-04-24, 2:29 PM
sgn_15Date: Tuesday, 2012-04-24, 2:29 PM | Message # 20
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calling the helper non-stop? hmmm... post again all states's codes here. the codes you have now.

Omegaxis12Date: Tuesday, 2012-04-24, 2:31 PM | Message # 21
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[StateDef 789]
type = S
movetype= A
physics = S
juggle = 1
velset = 0,0
ctrl = 0
anim = 791
poweradd = -1000

[State 789, Helper]
type = Helper
trigger1 = animelem = 5
helpertype = normal ;player
name = "Cherryblossom Leaf"
pos = 31,-53
postype = p1
ID = 2010
stateno = 2010
keyctrl = 0
ownpal = 0
supermovetime = 150
pausemovetime = 150

;when hit successful
[State -1]
type = ChangeState
trigger1 = helper(2010),movehit && helper(2010), animtime = 0 && animtime = 0
value = 790
ctrl = 1

;when helper hit NOT successful (blocked/guarded) or helper's attack is dodged
[State -1]
type = ChangeState
trigger1 = helper(2010),movehit = 0 && helper(2010), animtime = 0 && animtime = 0
value = 0
ctrl = 1

[Statedef 2010]
type = S
movetype = A
physics = U
velset = 0,0
ctrl = 0
anim = 792

[State 2010, VelSet]
type = VelSet
trigger1 = 1
x = 1
y = 1

[State 2010, HitDef]
type = HitDef
trigger1 = animtime <= 1000
hitflag = MAF ;HLAFD+-
guardflag = MA ;HLA
animtype = heavy ;light,medium,hard,back,up,diagup
priority = 6,Hit
damage = 5,5
sparkno = S3000
guard.sparkno = S3100
sparkxy = 500,500
hitsound = 5,2
guardsound = S6,0
ground.type = Low
ground.slidetime = 25
ground.hittime = 8
ground.velocity = 0
air.animtype = Back
air.velocity = -4,-6
air.juggle = 3
air.fall = 1
down.velocity = -4,-6
down.hittime = 30
down.bounce = 0
kill = 1

[State 0, DestroySelf]
type = DestroySelf
trigger1 = movecontact
trigger2 = pos y = 10

[StateDef 790]
type = S
movetype= A
physics = S
juggle = 1
velset = 0,0
ctrl = 1
anim = 793
poweradd = 20

[State 790, Helper]
type = Helper
trigger1 = animelem = 1
helpertype = normal ;player
name = "Cherryblossom Tree"
pos = 25,0
postype = p2
ID = 2011
stateno = 2011
keyctrl = 0
ownpal = 0
supermovetime = 150
pausemovetime = 150

[State 790]
type = Changestate
trigger1 = time >= 125
value = 0
ctrl = 1

[Statedef 2011]
type = S
movetype = A
physics = U
velset = 0,0
ctrl = 0
anim = 790

[State 2011, HitDef]
type = HitDef
trigger1 = animelem = 14
hitflag = MAF ;HLAFD+-
guardflag = MA ;HLA
animtype = heavy ;light,medium,hard,back,up,diagup
priority = 6,Hit
damage = 180,30
sparkno = S3000
guard.sparkno = S3100
sparkxy = 500,500
hitsound = 5,2
guardsound = S6,0
ground.type = Low
ground.slidetime = 25
ground.hittime = 8
ground.velocity = 0
air.animtype = Back
air.velocity = -4,-6
air.juggle = 3
air.fall = 0
fall = 0
down.velocity = -4,-6
down.hittime = 0
down.bounce = 0
kill = 1

[State 2011, DestroySelf]
type = DestroySelf
trigger1 = animtime = 0
value = 0
ctrl = 1

here it is

Message edited by Omegaxis12 - Tuesday, 2012-04-24, 2:32 PM
sgn_15Date: Tuesday, 2012-04-24, 5:49 PM | Message # 22
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ok i will try the codes myself in one of my chars now. wait for it

Omegaxis12Date: Tuesday, 2012-04-24, 6:10 PM | Message # 23
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This time i'm pretty sure what the bug is... i tested my helper with different velocity and it works in longer range

I think this bug is funny

the bug is when the helper hit p2's lower body (waist to feet) it didn't changestate but when it hit the upper body of p2 it changestate


what to you think sir

Message edited by Omegaxis12 - Tuesday, 2012-04-24, 6:16 PM
sgn_15Date: Tuesday, 2012-04-24, 6:22 PM | Message # 24
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ok i have fixed it.
- i tried it in my char using the same numbers for states and anims, your codes are messy
- i told you already that animtime values are either ZERO or NEGATIVE NUMBERS
why do you have animtime <= 1000 as trigger of your hitdef?

sample explanation:
animtime = 0 means END OF ANIMATION
animtime = -5 means it will trigger when the 5TH TICK (counting from the last tick) is reached

- destroyself does not have a parameter called ctrl
I removed it
changestate has ctrl, destroyself does not have ctrl
- pos (both x and y) are positions and you CAN'T use pos y = # or pos x = #
they are TOO SPECIFIC. that is why they will not work most of the time. if you used pos y = 10 for helper or player, the sctrl will only work if the helper/player is EXACTLY on 10 pos y

you need to use > or < or >= or <=
samples of what you can use:
pos y >= 10
pos y > 10
pos y <= 10
pos y < 10

also, pos has FLOAT value, not integer value

i will post the codes now

Time increases by 1 every tick. so for your time >= 125 trigger, you can just use time = 125. time in mugen works the same as time in real life. it adds 1 to the time every tick that passes. so for time trigger, you can use = only and it should be fine.

the > or < I mentioned is for pos only

Added (2012-04-24, 6:20 PM)

Added (2012-04-24, 6:22 PM)

Quote (Omegaxis12)
i tested my helper with different velocity and it works in longer range

no. that probably is because of your time or pos triggers
Quote (Omegaxis12)
the bug is when the helper hit p2's lower body (waist to feet) it didn't changestate but when it hit the upper body of p2 it changestate

there is no such thing as lower body or upper body in mugen lol. mugen does not detect it unless you specify it by adding the constants, but it is definitely not what you said as the source of the error

Omegaxis12Date: Tuesday, 2012-04-24, 6:29 PM | Message # 25
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i know that's funny LOL

i tested your code but i think their's an error
it's not attacking but the poweradd is working

im currently looking for the error

ok found the error the anim
silly me hahha

BTW the bug is still their

Message edited by Omegaxis12 - Tuesday, 2012-04-24, 6:37 PM
sgn_15Date: Tuesday, 2012-04-24, 6:34 PM | Message # 26
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you have to adjust your anims. i made the numbers for states and anim THE SAME.

i also changed the poweradd because i was trying the move and i needed to try it again and again so the poweradd thingy (plus the power requirement on my own cmd) is a pain in the ass while trying the move again and again

Quote (Omegaxis12)
it's not attacking but the poweradd is working

what is not attacking?

Omegaxis12Date: Tuesday, 2012-04-24, 6:37 PM | Message # 27
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yeye the anim ahhaha

their's still the bug sir

Message edited by Omegaxis12 - Tuesday, 2012-04-24, 6:37 PM
sgn_15Date: Tuesday, 2012-04-24, 6:41 PM | Message # 28
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so the 2 problems should be solved by now

Added (2012-04-24, 6:41 PM)
btw do you have a youtube? i can add you in youtube XD

Added (2012-04-24, 6:41 PM)

Quote (Omegaxis12)
their's still the bug sir


Omegaxis12Date: Tuesday, 2012-04-24, 6:43 PM | Message # 29
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the funny bug

i wish i could upload the video of the bug... but my internet connection is a shity right now

Message edited by Omegaxis12 - Tuesday, 2012-04-24, 6:44 PM
sgn_15Date: Tuesday, 2012-04-24, 6:45 PM | Message # 30
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Quote (Omegaxis12)
the funny bug

what? be more specific


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