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How to rip 3D sprites and make 3D models YOURSELF!
HiryoDate: Saturday, 2011-12-24, 6:32 PM | Message # 1
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Okay... so many people really do not how to make 3D characters yet it is so easy... All is in perspective... I am going to teach here in this thread on how to either CREATE your own original 3D model within a 3 DAY PERIOD even for beginners but also how to rip sprites from ANY GAME ANY WHERE ON ANY SYSTEM! And not just my method but all methods... However, I will go through MY method first... Also in this tutorial I will explain HOW TO MAKE A CHARACTER WITH MORE THEN 256 COLORS and still look good for mugen. And even how to do ANYTHING with cheat engine on any rom or game.

First... Ripping.
Anyone can rip... But some people just do not know how to rip sprites from games with LOTS of colors and backgrounds so irritating to remove from your image. BUT!!! Now I will help you know how to do this. =} First off we need a game as a example... For my example I chose Tobal 2 for the PS2. And a particular version. Here is a link that has a link to a site with the english translated rom Do not use the 1.0 version for this tutorial we need the 1.1 version which that link directs you to. 1.1 has different data structure and is easier to mod. Now get your favorite PS1 Emulator. Next step... Download Cheat Engine. You may ask.. why do I need cheat engine? Well, with it we are going to remove the background completely and even modify the game to do anything we want. =) Literally. And I will explain how as well. Next step is we need Animation Shop Pro. Why animation shop pro? For it will help us with pals that have more then 256 colors and will make everything VERY easy for ripping. But there are other applications you can use. Just for this tutorial we are going to use Animation Shop pro. You can get the pro version free. Search on youtube. I can not link directly for.... many reasons. You will need a recorder of a sort. I recommend fraps full version which also you can get free but again I can not give you a link to that. But other recorders are fine. As long as you can record in AVI format. Lastly a freeshare application called Infran View. It is free and best of all it can "morph" pals with more then 256 colors with NO color loss. =) And is better in MANY ways then using adobe photoshop especially if your a beginner mainly with pals. Here is a link that gives links to download. I can not give direct link for many reasons. Okay... Now we shall start ripping!!!!

Start up the game Tobal 2 on your emulator. Once started, give the game a look and see who you want to rip. Does not matter who. Once you see who you wish to rip, look at his colors. We are going to remove the background and replace it with a color that is NOT on the character you choose. Put the game in window mode if you have it full screen. Never have it full screen for this. Hit Enter and Alt or shift and alt... it varies on different emulators. that should put you in window mode if not already. While it is in window mode open up your cheat engine. Click on process which is on the top. Then choose your emulator. PSX or such. Next, click on add address manually on the right side mid way down. I already hacked this rom JUST for this tutorial. I will teach how to do so yourself later but for now lets stay on track. Add in the following addresses. Make sure you set them up as 2 bytes for value.

all 2 bytes and all values 0

Post is too long so I will be making this tutorial in segments... =(

Added (2011-12-24, 6:26 PM)
What that will do is remove all in the background. The above cheat engine codes. Now you should have a blue or black screen whenever you go to fight or such except you can still see your character. The reason each of those addresses remove a part of the background that area of data is for active graphic movements for the stage and stage image layers. Setting them to 0 means no layers or active graphics. Now... to the ripping yes? Go into training mode or such. Hit pause and remove all training information and bars or go into verse. Now you have a clean screen with your character. WOOT! But wait.. it is 3D? When he moves his size changes... how do we keep all size in perspective? Well, for one you can hack the camera... Or two, keep the character in general distance of P2 as to which all size is the same.. Or three, Size modifier. You can choose which ever. If size modifier, there is a actual cheat you can use when selecting a character to which you can adjust size for the character whenever. =) Another reason I choose Tobal 2 so ANYONE can rip these sprites from these characters easily. Now.. when you go to record NEVER EVER record for longer then 10 seconds. Why you may ask? Animation shop pro can not handle long segments of video. And it complicates things. So record each animation from the character in small 10 second or less videos. Such as standing, crouching, walking. Make a small test video of a stand. Next, open that video in Animation shop pro or a application of your choice that allows you to separate frames from the video into images. Your FIRST image MUST be a BMP for this... Post is too long.. another part will be added.. =/

Added (2011-12-24, 6:26 PM)
Why again you may ask? For Tobal 2 characters may have more then 256 colors... We need a morph pal. We only need on image now... we have to make the pal first for ALL the rest of the images we will be ripping. Open up infran view. Crop your character from the image. Now when you have just him in a small image... you need to choose if the color you already have in the background will be your translucent or not. If you choose no then open up your paint options and select a color. Pick fill and have the tolerance set to 1. We do not wish to hurt the character. Fill it in with your color of choice leaving your character UN-damaged. Now, save it as original folder. The options should already be set up for your image. DO NOT PICK TO HAVE ANY COLOR TRANSLUCENT WITH INFRAN VIEW!!!!! Okay.. exit out of infran view when you saved your image. Open up the ORIGINAL fighter factory. Add in your image to a blank set up to any number NOT 0,0.... Now click to save that image as PCX.... You may ask why did we not just start out in PCX format with Animation shop or save it as PCX with infran view... They cause color distortions and more so change the image format segments and data structure. We need perfection on this and I NEVER had a error using Original Fighter Factory in this method. We need to make a morph pal starter.. Not a standard pal.. I will explain this later. Now.. with your fresh PCX image...

Added (2011-12-24, 6:27 PM)
We need to open ORIGINAL fighter factory again or if you still have it open delete that old image. Now, click on the pal image above. It will be under sounds. Click the brown folder on the left side that says open when you highlight it. Open your PCX image you just made. Walla!!! It now shows a color pal though rather distorted sometimes pending on the image. DO NOT SAVE THAT PAL! It is not right. We must fix it. Do you remember what color you choose for your translucent color? Well... whatever color that is find it in your pal. It can be placed anywhere in it. Move it to the right side using the transfer color. So it will be on the other side. Does not matter where. Now... Look at the bottom right square of the pal it has for your image on the left side. Move that also to the right side BUT NOT OVER THE TRANSLUCENT COLOR YOU CHOOSE! Okay, now that you have both those colors on the other side. Highlight the bottom right square of the pal on the left side and in the right side highlight your translucent color. Put your translucent color to the left pal in the bottom right square. Now go to where the translucent color was else where in your pal and replace it with the other color you put in the right pal box. BINGO!!! You just made a starter pal! But, not over yet.... Save your pal. Make sure you keep it. Also insert the pal you currently created into your image you have that is PCX. KEEP THIS IMAGE but do not use it.

Added (2011-12-24, 6:27 PM)
Okay... now we have a starter pal and a starter image to make a morph if we have more then 256 colors. If not no worries then but still do this process. Now open your animation shop pro and take out each frame of the standing animation or whatever of the character you choose to rip. BUT!!!! You need now to save each image as PCX. This is a must. Directly from animation shop pro. Okay... next step, we need our morpher or just a general pal adder. Open up your starter image that you inserted the original pal you made with infran view. Click on image. It is on the top. Then look at the bottom of the list for the word Palette. Click export. Name it to something you will remember for you will be using this CONSTANTLY from here on out. And no.. you can not insert the pal to a group of images directly for some will have color changes and more so like with attacks that have special effects you will ruin your image. Do it the way I suggest in this tutorial for good performance. This is the beginner method. easiest way. Okay.... Next step, close the last image and open up your first frame of your standing animation, crop the character. And then, pending on which color you choose as translucent, click on the image and then palette. Click import pal. Select the pal you made with infran view earlier. Walla! Your image should look perfect. Save in original folder. Options should be preset. If not message me here and I will fix this tutorial or add in what each option means and how to get best image quality... Do the next image in infran view, import the pal after you crop... Do this with all your next frames of all your animations one at a time.. For with certain games there ARE color changes... now, you may ask.. Did you not mention morpher? Well, yes. you can actually have colors in your pal to which are not there... How do you do this? We morph. I will explain this part later. If you know how to make a character, then you should know how to make a definition file and put your first pal you made with the original fighter factory in there and start adding in your new images. The background should be translucent if you did it correct. If you choose a different color... use infran view and the fill option with pain and your color to each image. that way all will be translucent. Also, in the first image you choose to make a pal starter with, lets say that character has dust effects when he walks or when he throws a projectile he has some light color changes on his body... The first image use a frame to which has these minor changes in it but not to the whole character. Just partials... that way the color changes can be included into your original pal. And it makes it easier to morph. I am trying to make this tutorial as easy as can be... =/ This is not exactly how I rip nor make ripped sprites but is one of the EASIEST ways to do it... I will add more posts here for more on this tutorial soon.

Added (2011-12-24, 6:32 PM)
I can not fix the many typos and misspellings in this due to limit of the post size... sorry.. I will add more to this tutorial soon and explain more.

Mugen_BoyDate: Saturday, 2011-12-24, 6:38 PM | Message # 2
God Of Animation
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Woah you posted so many tutorials altogether? You could make one thread for each but its okay
Thanks for the tutorial!

HiryoDate: Saturday, 2011-12-24, 7:03 PM | Message # 3
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Quote (Mugen_Boy)
Woah you posted so many tutorials altogether? You could make one thread for each but its okay
Thanks for the tutorial!

It is not done.. but your welcome.. I only just started on the ripping. I will add in on how to make a 3D model and how to remove the background of any game later. I made so many typos that I will have to pre-write everything out before posting anymore of the tutorial. With this tutorial I am sure someone will be making 3D Tobal characters soon enough. =) Next games I will mention on how to rip will be for games to which you can NOT play on your pc... Such as Marvel verses Capcom 3.

Added (2011-12-24, 7:02 PM)
Also, if the one link to the game rom does not work or more so gets taken down here is a megaupload to the same game rom so you can use the tutorial with it and learn a method to which allows ease to rip 3D sprites..
More to this tutorial as mentioned will be added later. I need to know if it even helps anyone rip sprites from a game and any corrections to which may need to be made or information to which may needs to be added.... =/

Added (2011-12-24, 7:03 PM)

Quote (Hiryo)
Woah you posted so many tutorials altogether? You could make one thread for each but its okay
Thanks for the tutorial!

Your very welcome... ^^
JasonAL123Date: Saturday, 2011-12-24, 7:49 PM | Message # 4
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Whoa! I don't know what to say. You're like a pro! Awesome tutorials! biggrin

HiryoDate: Saturday, 2011-12-24, 9:48 PM | Message # 5
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Quote (JasonAL123)
Whoa! I don't know what to say. You're like a pro! Awesome tutorials! biggrin

Thank you very much... =) I will be adding more to it soon. I just need to know if the current tutorial I made will help anyone then I will continue on how to morph colors of sprites so your image of a character that has more then 256 colors will not loose any colors and still look good in mugen. happy

Added (2011-12-24, 9:30 PM)
Alright.... now for morphing colors and or blending in multi pattern segments for images to which have colors exceeding what your base pal has... This is rather easy... If you followed the above tutorial, you will have a pal created from infran view. This pal CAN convert colors to which do not belong to your character and set them up so they will! How? It uses a color algorithm that automatically attunes all colors of a set picture to the pre-determined pal. Meaning, it will color blend and or morph colors... And you will not have to worry about losing colors or parts of the image for you won't! But this does not always work... to see if this works, get a new image from a animation you will soon rip that has colors not of your pal... Such as a projectile or dust running over your character to a extreme. Crop your character best you can in infran view. If you have excess material, no worries. Just use the paint accessories infran has to remove all excess that you can from your character that to which is not a part of him. Make sure the color you use is the transparent color of your choice. Now, obviously, if you were to add a pal directly from fighter factory it would ruin your current image in may parts such as with the dust effect over the character or a over lapping hit spark from a game covering your character in a major area... How can you save that image without ruining your character? Simple. we will morph that area... I will give example of such using Akuma.

Added (2011-12-24, 9:31 PM)
Here is a base for what he looks like.

But obviously when he taunts he will have red fire around him or when he moves dust yes? Well, we must color morph them. When we do this it auto sets up a close to be had color from your original pal. That is as which I suggested originally in the tutorial to make your base have some of the overlapping effects and or dust on the character for the more colors you have in your main pal the better your chances of a successful morph. Now we rip a image of him taunting with red flames.

Added (2011-12-24, 9:31 PM)
If we set up the standard pal all that red on his chest would become the transparent color for none of those colors were set up in the pal right?? wrong. For it can set up the colors to mix-mash with what you have to the best degree with the pal you made in infran view when you go to add it to the next pcx.. However just adding it at first set will not work... =/ FOR BEST CHANCES OF MORPHING DO NOT CROP!!!!!!! Add in the infran image pal BEFORE you crop your character that has added effects. Leave player two there and everything. Why? For the more colors on the image the better chances of it giving you a adjusted color frame from your pal created in infran view. If the character looks good in the frame then crop and remove any unnecessary images. such as extra dust. But how to add colors not on your pal???? Well, that is the benefit of image coding. Mugen is actually compatible with this. Lets take a frame such as Akuma doing his tatsumaki zankuu kyaku from Street Fighter 4. Obviously he has a wind ring around him with colors not of your original pal and would be very difficult to fix in paint or any application... So, how to adjust these colors? Well, as with what I mentioned above.... But this time crop for we are dealing with a single set of color transfer from lighter to darker. SO for best result the LESS amount of colors the best chance for success. As here is a example. Now, how did the color morph turn slightly purple around his groin? well, the colors there were not to which I had in my pal. But I had SIMILAR colors in the pal and more so colors that mix to which could be adjusted for said area. Those colors came from my original pal having some colors from my pal starter that was his hadouken.

Added (2011-12-24, 9:31 PM)

While that may make the image look... not all that great. It is better then giving up or trying to hack a game with no success. Also, do not worry to much about dust too much. Just make sure in your pal starter image you get a LITTLE bit of it on a piece of him containing some multiple colors. As to why? A example is when morphing in colors such as I shown above you can have transferred colors of lighter and darker of your base without losing color. Such as being hit, a little bit of dust overlaps his foot. You do not wish to draw his foot yourself for not having those lighter or darker pigments in your pal right? Well no need. Morph the colors using infran view. Such as this example.

As you see, his one foot is there with the same segment and dust overlapping. You may think this ruined your character but in all reality it did not. Does not effect quality much at all. You can add dust there using helpers or more so leave it be and adjust it with your pal in infran view slowly changing colors to accuracy. Infran view CAN morph colors your missing to colors you have. Without loss of limbs or damage to the main sprite... While this is not what many of you were expecting... this indeed helps with those who are beginners or more so can not afford pricey applications or those who do not wish to pirate software to fix and or develop images from a ripped character... though ripping itself is... I guess stealing in a way. Not in all cases actually. =) You can even use this method to morph effects and visual material such as projectiles or things that have NO color similarity to your pal with ease so it is set with your pal and in some cases can even make the main image look even better when color morphing. Don't worry about the small things too much. No one is perfect and ripping 3D sprites is not the easiest thing to do considering some games are rather difficult to hack or others you can not hack at all.

Added (2011-12-24, 9:48 PM)
But you may ask... Did you not say we can make a pal with more then 256 colors? Well, yes. But technically you can not do so in mugen. BUT!! you can color blend. This is not always successful and so far I have ONLY got this to work with mugen 1.0... So, I will make this part of the tutorial last. Next will be how to rip from games with LOADS of colors in a background and that you can not remove that background.. so how do we rip that character??? I will explain very soon to come in this tutorial. =)

sgn_15Date: Sunday, 2011-12-25, 8:24 AM | Message # 6
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whoa awesome. akuma?

HiryoDate: Sunday, 2011-12-25, 3:49 PM | Message # 7
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Quote (sgn_15)
whoa awesome. akuma?

I was using him as a example... You can rip any character from any game no matter what game it is or their color format as long as you can single out your character. This tutorial is to help those with ripping characters that have more then 256 colors. For when a color is missing and you go to add the pal it will remove whatever part has color to which your pal does not have to the transparent color leaving out body parts and causing damage. But with pal morphing you can adjust those colors to which is in your pal without damaging or editing the main sprite. Thus was the explanation in the tutorial I gave that has MANY typos and errors. Such as at the very beginning I meant PS1 and wrote PS2 there... Just a lot of errors... If you read the tutorial, I am sure you would understand. =) I tried to make it as simple as possible.
LifeformDate: Wednesday, 2012-03-21, 4:05 AM | Message # 8
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Thanks for this wonderful tutorial.

Add in the following addresses. Make sure you set them up as 2 bytes for value.
all 2 bytes and all values 0

How to Get this value or remove background for other games?
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