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Tendou_no_MazoDate: Thursday, 2012-08-30, 1:41 AM | Message # 1
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Here's the Zetsu i mentioned before, just read the whole description below

Note: For some reason the audio wasn't working there so i had to record many times and it worked but.... it is too loud.

The Zetsu on the video has bugs to be fixed due i wasnt really working on him, just trying to discover many ways to code him and i chose this one.

  • Buffs (my signature :P).
  • Shunshin no Jutsu
  • Gentoshin no Jutsu
  • Hoshi no Jutsu
  • Kagero
  • Narikawari no Jutsu
  • Kisei Bunshin
  • Turns into White Zetsu with a Black Zetsu and vice versa
  • Tons of Mokuton Ninjutsu
  • Fuinjutsu: Genryu Kyufujin (only works if the enemy is a Jinchuuriki)
    D3@CDate: Thursday, 2012-08-30, 4:56 AM | Message # 2
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    whats up Tendou, Zetsu looks pretty good so far, but at 0:40 when the "Zetsu" Minato does his Y attack, why does the leaf thing appear above the char?...

    Oh yea, when you say
    Quote (Tendou_no_Mazo)
    Turns into White Zetsu with a Black Zetsu and vice versa
    , do you mean like Zetsu will shed the Akatsuki robe and be playable as White & Black Zetsu seperately?..

    Quote (Tendou_no_Mazo)
    Fuinjutsu: Genryu Kyufujin (only works if the enemy is a Jinchuuriki)
    im curious about this jutsu....should include it in the next update vid for Zetsu cool

    and check your PM, sent some jutsu ideas for Zetsu...
    Tendou_no_MazoDate: Thursday, 2012-08-30, 8:26 AM | Message # 3
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    Quote (D3@C)
    whats up Tendou, Zetsu looks pretty good so far, but at 0:40 when the "Zetsu" Minato does his Y attack, why does the leaf thing appear above the char?...

    I saw that, thats why i said there are bugs on Zetsu due i never coded 100% him, just did a coding to find many ways to figure out his jutsus :).

    For White and Black Zetsus he can split into two Zetsus as we saw on manga and anime. On Mugen he will be able to randomly split and give you totally control on either white Zetsu or Black Zetsu while the another one will works like a helper, doing his jutsus, since helpers cant be hit by special states i need to check what i will do on him.

    Thanks ;)

    MerlinMageDate: Thursday, 2012-08-30, 2:12 PM | Message # 4
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    Cool char bro,Hoshi no jutsu,what can you do with? Hoshi means star o.o Will the DNS transformation time out,or manually can trans back O.o cuz I like it.(you should add Kusa,leaf jutsus instead of Mokuton,like his good-evil double plant attack,good luck for this char ;3

    The hope dies last,so never give up! ;3
    Tendou_no_MazoDate: Thursday, 2012-08-30, 3:07 PM | Message # 5
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    Quote (MerlinMage)
    Cool char bro,Hoshi no jutsu,what can you do with? Hoshi means star o.o Will the DNS transformation time out,or manually can trans back O.o cuz I like it.(you should add Kusa,leaf jutsus instead of Mokuton,like his good-evil double plant attack,good luck for this char ;3

    I did not used full Rõmaji there, already used to about FF do not allowing me to past full rõmaji x3. It is Hõshi no Jutsu, aka spore technique. Probably all leaf jutsus from him are mokuton-based jutsu. As stated by Tobi (Obito or even himself can be Rin... coz Kishi is on crazy state right now lol) Zetsu does not have the ability to cast strong mokuton jutsus. I though only Konoha means leaf :o as japanese people does on chikara word also you can deactivate manually the transformation.

    Message edited by Tendou_no_Mazo - Thursday, 2012-08-30, 3:09 PM
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