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Haruno Sakura JUS
LegendTTADate: Tuesday, 2012-08-28, 3:20 PM | Message # 1
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Not too much atm but 4 cool jutsu.

Message edited by LegendTTA - Thursday, 2012-08-30, 3:21 PM
sgn_15Date: Tuesday, 2012-08-28, 6:28 PM | Message # 2
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the pose/sprite of sakura looks more like slam down or punching down than a strong horizontal punch, plus the last part attack is only 1 frame? the curve thingy on the sprites are for movements of kicks/punch,etc. you might need more frames (or i just did not noticed it in the video due to video recording issue)

LegendTTADate: Tuesday, 2012-08-28, 7:37 PM | Message # 3
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Update cool
SoulFireDate: Wednesday, 2012-08-29, 5:55 AM | Message # 4
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cool,I like sakura sprites jus ^^
good luck

yoi yoi
LegendTTADate: Thursday, 2012-08-30, 3:21 PM | Message # 5
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Update cool
Tendou_no_MazoDate: Thursday, 2012-08-30, 3:44 PM | Message # 6
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IMO this is one of best Sakuras sprites i have found (i noticed u haz my Minato and Hashirama :P) as i can see you like JUS characters.

Adding a healing ninjutsu which affects the partner wouldn't hurt.
Chakra Mode (as i can see ure working with Awakenings, Reversals)
I think you should put more "genjutsus" effects on the Inner Sakura due it is her genjutsu.

Good luck and i hope you can fix some debugs before releasing her (and requires sprites as well) :p

_____kEnt_xDDate: Friday, 2012-08-31, 4:15 PM | Message # 7
The Chosen One
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- Remove the energy charge or make it slower.
- Ultimate jutsu looks pretty good, but it can be better though.

Better if you add a custom state when the p2 hit's the wall.
That's the only i can say for now D:

lol-samaDate: Friday, 2012-08-31, 7:39 PM | Message # 8
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from the video it looks pretty good also you have lot of creativity with the moves biggrin
only in the rocks super when she jumps over the 2nd rock she is in crouch anim in air which looks weird imo
and yeah the chakra charge should be removed

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