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Byakki (W.I.P) by Websta
WebstaDate: Tuesday, 2012-07-31, 8:54 PM | Message # 1
Templar Knight
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Here's a little something I've working on the past few days

I'm planning to add a little bit of King of Fighters system in, evasive rolls and CD-push attacks.
Byakki is about 40% complete. Will keep you guys updated smile

S-lukeDate: Tuesday, 2012-07-31, 9:09 PM | Message # 2
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Sasori__Date: Tuesday, 2012-07-31, 9:30 PM | Message # 3
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n1ce, good luck:D
Mugenman299Date: Wednesday, 2012-08-01, 8:29 AM | Message # 4
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woah cool, he looks like a relative to vergil, major likes:)
WebstaDate: Tuesday, 2012-08-21, 10:58 PM | Message # 5
Templar Knight
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- all basic attacks are added in
- adding in voice clips
- added demon summon ninja art
- added demon claw summon ninja art
- added chakram throw
- working on basic combos
- added evasive roll (King of Fighters)
- going to add CD push attack (King of Fighters)
- no hyper attacks as of yet
- no intro
- no win pose
- 2 palletes so far

Thanks for the support guys.
Quote (Mugenman299)
he looks like a relative to vergil

Lol, I agree

Added (2012-08-04, 1:23 AM)

-still adding voice clips
-all specials have been added
-combo system completed
-still no hypers, working on it
-CD-push added
-still 2 palletes
-1 intro
-1 win pose
-little bit of balancing

The next thing I'll be working on is the completion of voice clips and adding of the hyper moves.

Will keep you guys updated.

Added (2012-08-15, 3:12 AM)
Been a while since i updated this thread, mainly due to the fact that i couldn't log in -_- meh...

Made a lot of changes recently
-scrapped the King of Fighters system and added the NGBC system instead
-using NGBC special spark and sounds
-using original Sengoku 3 sparks and sounds
-still 2 palletes
-has one hyper move
-lots of damage dampening
-still working on voice, but nearly done with it

Byakki's combo system is a little hard to explain, but if I had to put it into simple terms.
You can do every combo from Sengoku 3, but Byakki plays like any other fighter from Street Fighter or Kof
All thats now left is 'mo palletes, 'mo voice, 'mo hyper moves

Added (2012-08-21, 10:58 PM)
Yet again, a late update lol. this is probably going to be the last update I'm gonna make. The next time I post about Byakki is when he's going to be released.


-fully implemented NGBC fighting system
-Evasive Roll replaced with Advancing Dash
-CD Push attack replaced with grapple button
-if Byakki successfully blocks an attack, hitting the grapple button (y+b or c) will cause Byakki to summon a wooden log and for explosions to occur. Check Sengoku3 to see what I'm talking about.
-since Byakki still has his Sengoku 3 combo system, damage dampens by 10% to 30% on every attack in the chain
-Advancing Dash can be canceled into normal attacks and jumping (Just like in NGBC)
-Advancing Dash will reset the damage dampening variable
-running and dashing cannot be canceled into a crouch
-I've finally made palletes Awww Yeeeah tongue
-The voice is completed
-Special intro with Kagetsura

Thats about everything that I can recall I did so far. Another reason for these updates being so delayed is the fact that I've actually been working on Kagetsura quite a bit (He's about 60% complete)
I'm not sure if I should do a double release, and include Kagetsura along with Byakki though.
Either way, shouldn't be long before Byakki is released.

Message edited by Websta - Saturday, 2012-08-04, 1:28 AM
WebstaDate: Sunday, 2012-09-02, 12:53 PM | Message # 6
Templar Knight
Group: contributor
Messages: 283
Awards: 1
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Even with all this sh!t going on in this site I'm still happy to announce that Byakki is finished, but won't be released until like later today or tomorrow or something. I'm doing some intensive testing to see if I've got everything working properly. Will keep y'all posted

Byakki is released! Go check the release section
but it seems I can't create any new threads or even post messages.. only edit posts..weird

Message edited by Websta - Monday, 2012-09-03, 4:27 PM
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