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Contributor of the Year
Who are the top 3 contributors of 2009?
1. 1) MGSSJ2 [ 3 ] [42.86%]
2. 2) V-Nix(aswrgm) [ 3 ] [42.86%]
3. 3) ApplePie [ 0 ] [0.00%]
4. 4) SinGoku [ 1 ] [14.29%]
5. 5) BlinxV3 [ 0 ] [0.00%]
6. 6) striderhien [ 0 ] [0.00%]
7. 7) Normal_Insanity [ 0 ] [0.00%]
8. 8) Neo_Fire_Sonic [ 0 ] [0.00%]
Answers total: 7
SinGokuDate: Monday, 2010-01-25, 9:45 PM | Message # 1
Group: contributor
Messages: 1866
Awards: 2
Reputation: 7
Reproofs: 0%
Status: Offline

1. There is a 14 day time limit, afterward the poll will end and the top 3 will be decided.
2. Those who are nominated may vote, but are forbidden to vote for themselves, If it is discovered that you voted for yourself, you title will be changed to "EPIC FAILURE"! Seriously, dont do it.
3. You must give a reason for you vote, and you cannot say "because we're friends, or because he helped me,
The reason must be related to the contributions the nominee made to the forum, whether it be a character, a stage,
4. This poll is looking for the top 3 candidates, the winner of 1st place will be shown on the poll, but you may verbally vote for up to 2 others, those votes will be counted when the poll ends.

More rules may be added, the poll is now open and will run to Feb. 8 ( limit may change if mods/contributors agree on a different date) Rules may be added.

Normal_InsanityDate: Monday, 2010-01-25, 10:46 PM | Message # 2
Group: contributor
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I couldn't deside between V-nix and MGSSJ2 they're both great authors, V-nix has made one of my favourite mugen stages ever Mountain path and some cool characthers. On the other hand MGSSJ2 has released some very nice Sonic characthers and some dragonball ones so I voted for him because he's charathers are great, the controls are awesome same goes for the moves... SinGoku has been great for the community too by providing links to several characthers and warehouses so he should get a thumbs up for that!

God himself!
SinGokuDate: Monday, 2010-01-25, 10:55 PM | Message # 3
Group: contributor
Messages: 1866
Awards: 2
Reputation: 7
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Status: Offline
Quote (Normal_Insanity)
SinGoku has been great for the community too by providing links to several characthers and warehouses so he should get a thumbs up for that!

heh, thanks for that. But yeah, thats why I set the time limit for 14 days (2 weeks), so that you have some time to decide.

BlinxV3Date: Monday, 2010-01-25, 11:44 PM | Message # 4
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I choose Singoku, cause he's a great guy and performing very well, serving great characters and stuff. Although I like that avatar he has. Very awesome job. *Gives him cookies*

My Mario Kart Wii License
MGSSJ2Date: Monday, 2010-01-25, 11:49 PM | Message # 5
Mystic Coder
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Everyone is great there, but I must vote for V-Nix. His chars are really good, he helps with a lot of questions and requests in the forum (he gave me a link to Kauyi Uma's Tifa, a really rare FF character), and his James Lee and Sasuke are really good too.

Quote (Normal_Insanity)
MGSSJ2 has released some very nice Sonic characthers and some dragonball ones so I voted for him because he's charathers are great, the controls are awesome same goes for the moves...

Thanks a lot man!!! happy happy

SinGokuDate: Tuesday, 2010-01-26, 8:18 PM | Message # 6
Group: contributor
Messages: 1866
Awards: 2
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Status: Offline
Quote (BlinxV3)
*Gives him cookies*

Yay, Cookies!!! *munch*munch*

Quote (MGSSJ2)
he gave me a link to Kauyi Uma's Tifa, a really rare FF character),

Ive been looking for that.. Is it any different from the one on the Forum?
(And if so, can you pm me the link? pweaaase!)

MGSSJ2Date: Tuesday, 2010-01-26, 11:53 PM | Message # 7
Mystic Coder
Group: contributor
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Quote (SinGoku)
Is it any different from the one on the Forum?

Which one? I only have one, the link is in the thread I made in the Request section.

striderhienDate: Wednesday, 2010-01-27, 1:58 AM | Message # 8
Group: contributor
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why am i between the nominations? i usually never do helping things XD

buyDate: Wednesday, 2010-01-27, 4:10 PM | Message # 9
Group: Administrators
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Don't forget we have to choose 3. The first place will be up there. 2nd and 3rd on the post. You can vote only for the first place if you want.

i usually never do helping things XD

Lazy biggrin

LOL just kidding, you do help.

I vote for MGSSJ2. He not only contributes with the forum, but creates great chars also.

2 - i vote for SinGoku.

3 - Normal_Insanity

SinGokuDate: Wednesday, 2010-01-27, 7:06 PM | Message # 10
Group: contributor
Messages: 1866
Awards: 2
Reputation: 7
Reproofs: 0%
Status: Offline
yeah, thats true, I'll add that to the rules.

buyDate: Saturday, 2010-01-30, 5:29 PM | Message # 11
Group: Administrators
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When will the voting end? We have a draw now.
squirrelkingDate: Saturday, 2010-01-30, 8:10 PM | Message # 12
The Chosen One
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i vote for MG in the poll cause he makes lots of good chars and cause of his interactive stages

My site
SinGokuDate: Tuesday, 2010-02-02, 8:55 PM | Message # 13
Group: contributor
Messages: 1866
Awards: 2
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Quote (buy)
When will the voting end? We have a draw now.

I have it slated for feb. 08.
We can make it sooner if all the mods agree to stop it.

buyDate: Wednesday, 2010-02-03, 4:35 PM | Message # 14
Group: Administrators
Messages: 1243
Awards: 2
Reputation: 14
Status: Offline
"I have it slated for feb. 08."

No problem, let the voting process run its course. I'm just too excited to know who the winner will be.

SinGokuDate: Wednesday, 2010-02-03, 5:27 PM | Message # 15
Group: contributor
Messages: 1866
Awards: 2
Reputation: 7
Reproofs: 0%
Status: Offline
my guess is between MG and V-nix, though it looks like between the poll and the verbal votes, I'll take 3rd place.
But we'll see what happens.

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