nice characters i wish i could make my own too but preety comlicated stuff but ishould try anyways can you give me a link to where i can download char maker? and how much space will i need for this thing? iv got like 7GIGAbytes
Dunno if you refer to Mugen Char Maker or Fighter Factory... Anyway, Fighter Factory's the best, and I don't know where MCM is... Download FF. It just needs 5 or 6 MB... And yes, MUGEN is complicated at first, but later you see it is a lot funny morph sprites into chars...
yeah ok just give me the link to fighter factory ill look for some tutorials again i want to become a game desigher one day learning how to use programs like mugen and fighter factory is somthing i have to learn in order to make games if i actullay succefully make a character ill make thousends of characters for this site and fast they will all have decent amount of attacks
I think everybody who programs in MUGEN wants to become a cool programer... The MUGEN itself has tutorials to make chars, check on the docs/ folder I think Fighter Factory is around this forum, check here. I can't get it for you right now...