mugen chars, rare characters
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Tendou_no_MazoDate: Monday, 2012-05-07, 9:03 AM | Message # 1
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Hmhmhmhm, meh:

Country: Brazil
Age: 20
Real life working: doing a photoshop course ATM. Taking a breath from my last job.
Kinda like love metal and metal, favorite bands are H.I.M., Rammstein and Marilyn Manson

Why am here:
Well years ago (YEARS YEARS ago) my old brother showed me MUGEN and challenged me to code some chars (gratz to him) amd kinda such at spriting because i really don't have patience to do that , but i can tell you i have potential x3 but i dont want <-< its boring (see, already got boring talking about spriting)

Am doing a MUGEN fully of special effects and such mostly Naruto (see, not only ;P). Call me the "improvement guy" for bad chars kinda love improve old and bad chars to turn into killer machines against you (its because you laughed at him on past)! MUGEN have a lot of coding (and some unseen one ;P)
PS: MEH is an Akatsuki fan!

Released chars:
Akamaru (i think i closed it)
Albel (improved!)
Akamaru Akatsuki (closed it too, may improve moar!)
Baki Akatsuki
Hashirama Senju
AN.BU (guys this is the best ANBU u-u)

Chars i already worked and am updating to new version (they will be released so don't worry):

Manda (yes... playable..)
Anko Akatsuki
Chiyo (mah god...)
AN.BU (last version was released but i found new ways to prevent bugs so hes on updating list)
Sasori (all forms >:D)
Hidan (immortality included but can be defeated and i wont tell you how >:D)
Asuma Akatsuki
Nagato (Randomly appears as akatsuki or machine and, if machine can call the patchs, mah god the homing missile is so ...homing O_O)
Danzou (never showed there on any videos or screen because theres something special on him :3, Izanagi, effects on anime are there and to defeat him you need to force him to use all sharingans "time consuming") x3
Zetsu (There is a special attack WHICH you can be able to turn into enemy but it WILL work on any char :D)
Tsunade (Working to add change controls from that jutsu)

Message edited by Tendou_no_Mazo - Tuesday, 2012-07-03, 2:27 PM
Leo116Date: Monday, 2012-05-07, 2:53 PM | Message # 2
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Wow you are making good characters and GOOD LUCK for all of them...

abdullahsaurusDate: Monday, 2012-05-07, 4:11 PM | Message # 3
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Good Luck

Thank You Mugen Boy For Avatar
WebstaDate: Wednesday, 2012-07-04, 3:00 AM | Message # 4
Templar Knight
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GOOD LUCK for all of them...

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