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ShikamaruGDate: Tuesday, 2011-09-06, 6:19 PM | Message # 1
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15 Years Old
i live in United State, New York
I like Mugen , Naruto , One Piece and Soft Music and Many other things

My Characters That i Made Are:

Castle Of Oda

That's It happy

Message edited by ShikamaruG - Tuesday, 2011-09-06, 6:19 PM
BladeStorm_XDate: Tuesday, 2011-09-06, 7:44 PM | Message # 2
The Chosen One
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Cool good luck on your upcomming projects.
cliffalphonseDate: Wednesday, 2011-09-07, 6:47 AM | Message # 3
Templar Knight
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Nice list shika, cant wait to try them out XD. You live in new york as well, cool.
sgn_15Date: Wednesday, 2011-09-07, 8:42 AM | Message # 4
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ShikamaruG, goodluck and try to improve more i know you can be a great coder smile

ZerXDate: Wednesday, 2011-09-07, 7:06 PM | Message # 5
The Chosen One
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When is Shika-GKurotsuchi coming out for public?

When a Ninja falls, another one rises!

Zaraki_KenpachiDate: Thursday, 2011-09-08, 0:35 AM | Message # 6
Group: contributor
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Personally I am anticipating the release of Kurotsuchi and Mihawk.

Sgn's HP : --- 30%
Xeno's HP: ---------- 100%
Evansz's HP: ---------- 100%
ShikamaruGDate: Thursday, 2011-09-08, 1:53 AM | Message # 7
Group: contributor
Messages: 100
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Status: Offline
Quote (BladeStorm_X)
Cool good luck on your upcomming projects.

Quote (cliffalphonse)
Nice list shika, cant wait to try them out XD. You live in new york as well, cool.

Thanks Cliff and BladeStorm happy

Quote (sgn_15)
ShikamaruG, goodluck and try to improve more i know you can be a great coder

Thanks sgn hope soo

Quote (ZerX)
When is Shika-GKurotsuchi coming out for public?

There is still sometime for it's release bec i am a little bit busy

Quote (Zaraki_Kenpachi)
Personally I am anticipating the release of Kurotsuchi and Mihawk.

You're right !

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