i can help
Normal attacks:
A=Medium Vector Attack
B=Low Vector Attack
X=High Vector Attack
Y=a other Medium Vector Attack Specials:
Back+Foward+X=Machine Gun
Back+Foward+Y=Rock Smash(Far)
Foward+Back+Y=Rock Smash(close)
Foward+X=Trips your oponent
Back+X=Throws your oponent to the other side of the screen
x+y=Sacrifices your HP to fill the Tension Bar
Back+Foward+A=Nana(provides some backup in case of someone is kicking your ass)
Back+Foward+B=Kurama(the same and combined with Nana it provides full backup)
Down+Down+A=Barrage(good for a counter attack)
Down+Down+Y=Air Vecor Slash(good for a air attack)
Down+Down+Y=Super Vector Slash(good for a long distance attack)
Down+Down+B=Smash Move(smashes the oponent in the ground)
Down+Down+X=Rock Throw(throws 2 rocks at your oponent)
Instant Kill:
Down+Back+Foward+B=Rip-Apart(kills the openent with this non stop Vector Slashes and Anime scenes in the background,this move is almost imposible to be blocked)
Well these are all i hope it helped