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how do i control gouken by nejitumin?
BladeStorm_XDate: Saturday, 2011-07-09, 7:23 PM | Message # 16
The Chosen One
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Quote (anis91)
don't you get it? even if i disable the other player, i can only control with the ASD with the W(it means he can't jump)
none of the abc and xyz works with him

Oh sorry I didn't read properly
So you are saying you cant jump with him?
anis91Date: Saturday, 2011-07-09, 8:33 PM | Message # 17
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Quote (BladeStorm_X)

Oh sorry I didn't read properly
So you are saying you cant jump with him?

not only jumping, if there's another player, he make all what he cans, hadouken shin shoryuken, everything, if i disable the other char, he stops, and i can only control him in walking and jumping, none of the abcxyz works and the W(up) dosn't work either

Added (2011-07-09, 8:33 PM)

Quote (Aster)
.....non controlable char eh?
yeah....those things can really piss you off. try this.
search somewhere in the cmd. file that says anything related to the com puter controlling it, then...delete it!
CAUTION! make a copy of the char in case of accidental error.

if that doesn't work, try editing the def. file.

i found some status that have no sensetive words like ^*ù^$flfdh$* and i deleted them and it worked!! thank you so much, i can control it now!!!

if u need to see any animation you want to see
the pm button is down-left
AsterDate: Sunday, 2011-07-10, 11:22 AM | Message # 18
The Chosen One
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your welcome......btw....wheres mah reward? lol
just kiddin.....or am i?

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