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Higurashi characters
IblisDate: Sunday, 2011-05-01, 9:19 PM | Message # 1
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I found these three characters:!163!174!181

But I can't figure out how to do the specials on any of them and the documents in the character folders aren't in english...or really any language, but I figure they are all made by the same person and fight similarly thus if one could figure out how to do specials with one the rest would fall in suit...

I also had the same problem with all the characters found here

Can I inquire anyone to assist me in this?

Message edited by Iblis - Tuesday, 2011-05-03, 8:44 AM
BMPXDate: Wednesday, 2011-08-10, 12:46 PM | Message # 2
Group: Users
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I'am sorry but I canno open your link, but if i not wrong, that character author is minoo right???
Usually character from this author just using D, DF ,F A+B or D, DF ,F ,D ,DF ,F A+B for the special

And if you want to read the document on character folder, you must set your non-unicode language to japan.
I hope this help.....

P.S:Higurashi chara with normal size is made by minoo and the chibi higurashi chara is made by baggy

Don't mylist me...
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