win condition: ship must be defeated in 5 turns hien attacks 8
ship core hp goes to 16
ship attacks 4 - hien defends 5
successfully defended
hien attacks 4
ship core hp goes to 12
ship core attacks 3 - hien defends 6
succesfully defended
hien attacks 3
ship core hp goes to 9
turn limit exceeded
hien gets half exp
current exp 7/10
"darn it's too late!"
the ships gets full of troops
"hand over the biometal now!"
this is a really dangerous situation, theyr chief seems to have a biometal too
1)ask for information, maybe all the things that happened are just a misunderstanding
2)fight for opening a path to escape
3)i have no chances, better hand it over
4)great! i can get another biometal if i beat him!