Pick your favorite character then post your reasons for picking him/herAdded (2010-05-27, 5:16 PM)
I remember the first time I ran into Yuffie.... I hated her it took me servel tries to get her to join my team and it was a complete agrevasion. I didn't even use her in my main team so you might wonder wtf did I pick her. well I found myself talking to Yuffie more and more on the airship pretty much every time I past her I also took her on that one ride sevel times because she was the funnest to watch soon she grew on me I then decided that it wasn't about who I thought was strong but who I liked more so I kicked Barret and Vencent out of my team and gave Yuffie the center spot and shes the person you want to use to get an unlimited supple of power sources gaurd sources etc. oh and she is super cute