mugen chars, rare characters
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Characters, stages sharing
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Big Toad by The Doctor
Its able to be boss character
1 1333 adar 2009-08-25, 7:21 PM
Posted by: buy
Mantisk by Bigshowofall (megaman)
Deathtanz Mantisk
2 1294 adar 2009-08-25, 4:50 PM
Posted by: adar
XaAnbu Yamato
Anbu Yamato x3
0 1939 ApplePie 2009-08-24, 6:39 AM
Posted by: ApplePie
Scorpion (Happy Tree Friends Ver.) 1 3380 asrwgm 2009-08-23, 7:41 PM
Posted by: buy
Knightman MVC 0 1327 asrwgm 2009-08-23, 0:18 AM
Posted by: asrwgm
Myspace Tom by ZhouAkechi
Myspace Tom by ZhouAkechi
7 1504 mugenkingofgames 2009-08-12, 9:54 PM
Posted by: Dotz
Anyone have TTGL Chars?
Chicks, dig, spiral power!
0 1121 Irunmann 2009-08-06, 10:08 PM
Posted by: Irunmann
Squall Leonheart by Unknown
The main character of FF8 appears in MUGEN
2 2874 MGSSJ2 2009-08-01, 9:20 AM
Posted by: deity
Cloud Strife by [C]CSFF7H
One of the best Cloud around here
1 3223 MGSSJ2 2009-07-23, 6:48 PM
Posted by: buy
jesus by STORM0062
jesus by STORM0062
5 2566 mugenkingofgames 2009-07-11, 3:48 PM
Posted by: storm0062
Invader by Iron Commando
Invader by Iron Commando
5 1095 mugenkingofgames 2009-07-09, 0:08 AM
Posted by: Dotz
D.Pandora's Box by DEMAN
D.Pandora's Box by DEMAN
4 1557 mugenkingofgames 2009-07-09, 0:05 AM
Posted by: Dotz
Squidgit by The Doctor
Squidgit by The Doctor
2 1164 mugenkingofgames 2009-07-08, 9:55 PM
Posted by: squirrelking
Devil_Knight by Mabs-KMK
Devil_Knight by Mabs-KMK
1 1646 mugenkingofgames 2009-07-08, 9:15 PM
Posted by: electrocaid
Chuck Norris su Go Kart by Bramhowl Vexen
Chuck Norris su Go Kart by Bramhowl Vexen
2 1894 mugenkingofgames 2009-07-08, 9:01 PM
Posted by: electrocaid
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