Alright, so. I got this coolio program, called Mugen Windows Configurator.
It's like doing all the configuring, without all the coding.
Some say that's cheating, I call it beginners luck. =D
Well, not everthing is foolproof...
I still can't get the char names right!!
For example: I have a Spongebob char, a White Ranger char (From Power Rangers), and a Big Chicken char (From Family Guy)
In the game, Sponebob shows us as SPONEBOB RELEASE 2.0, The White Rangers is WHITE RANGER, and Big Chicken is big chicken.
It seems so small, but I try to pay attention to detail, and that bothers me...
I tried changing the names in the respective .def files, but it didn't do anything.
Can someone point me in the right direction?