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CM-L SanjiTS Release
Leo116Date: Wednesday, 2012-07-25, 9:11 AM | Message # 16
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Quote (tora2)
did you fix your missing required sprites errors?

Yeah I did.

Quote (Tyler3541)
He only has one attack that his pts version didnt do?

Well mouton jet hou, hell memories, grill shot, venaison shot, super combo etc are the moves that are not in the pts versions.

Message edited by Leo116 - Wednesday, 2012-07-25, 9:18 AM
nardDate: Wednesday, 2012-07-25, 6:04 PM | Message # 17
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perfect sanji but his A.I needs some more work
tora2Date: Wednesday, 2012-07-25, 6:30 PM | Message # 18
The Chosen One
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well then to all who are bashing this char (not everyone is)

this is actually a really good one I must say I was impressed how balanced and fun he is his only bug at the time was missing required sprites but once I explained that to leo he fixed it up hes got talent he has my seal of approval as it were rofl.

Xeno: It's like putting the number one in my alphabet soup, it's criminal.
Leo116Date: Wednesday, 2012-07-25, 7:08 PM | Message # 19
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Quote (nard)
perfect sanji but his A.I needs some more work

Thanks, I will think of updating the chartacer with AI and some more moves.

Quote (tora2)
well then to all who are bashing this char (not everyone is)

this is actually a really good one I must say I was impressed how balanced and fun he is his only bug at the time was missing required sprites but once I explained that to leo he fixed it up hes got talent he has my seal of approval as it were rofl.

Thanks Laharl and I don't know if they are bashing this character, they are saying that it has same moves as the pts version. I added much moves which are different than pts version.

Message edited by Leo116 - Wednesday, 2012-07-25, 7:11 PM
tora2Date: Wednesday, 2012-07-25, 8:06 PM | Message # 20
The Chosen One
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np i even gave you your first award enjoy it. I Personally am going to use this in my chibi mugen.

Xeno: It's like putting the number one in my alphabet soup, it's criminal.
sgn_15Date: Wednesday, 2012-07-25, 8:06 PM | Message # 21
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not using correct standard sprites is ok.

tora2Date: Wednesday, 2012-07-25, 8:10 PM | Message # 22
The Chosen One
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um he fixed that yes? sgn he fixed the missing standard sprites did he not? i dont get errors anymore?

edit his only error is he has no second pallete. thats not really an "error" persay. but thats the only debug im getting and no bugs now whats the problem?

Xeno: It's like putting the number one in my alphabet soup, it's criminal.
sgn_15Date: Wednesday, 2012-07-25, 8:48 PM | Message # 23
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yea i know it is a debug message if you don't use correct standard sprites. but yea it is not necessary and i know the issues with invisible during custom states. even my friend who uses correct sprite standards has that issue, it will be fixed thru coding.

Added (2012-07-25, 8:48 PM)
having a debug message like no alternate palette or about sprite standards is ok.

gekosanDate: Saturday, 2012-09-01, 11:18 PM | Message # 24
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