All info about this char (and about all helpers) is in Commands (for english people) and in Comandos (for portuguese people)
Updated version from Akumaru's Akamaru and another Akamaru i didn't found yet (if anyone can help me ill edit my post). Just SEE the differences!
Download Link
All info about this char (and about all helpers) is in Commands (for english people) and in Comandos (for portuguese people)
Ps: Try using Gentoshin no Jutsu near your partner! He have a cool winning quote image.
Pretty sure you don't know he (me too!) He is a Kusagakure Nin.
All info about this char (and about all helpers) is in Commands (for english people) and in Comandos (for portuguese people)
Updated version from Coding: The Spriter Maker's Albel but i only found this version by Coding Commander_Cool Spriting (I don't know if both authors are the same person).Upload them all and Just SEE the difference!
Download Link
Have Fun!
Added (2011-09-30, 6:38 PM)
Let me point something i did about my MU.G.E.N.
Every character has different arrtibutes accourding with his/her level:
Academy Student:
* HP: 1050
* POWER: 2000
* AT: 100
* DEF: 100
* HP: 1100
* POWER: 3000
* AT: 110
* DEF: 110
* HP: 1150
* POWER: 4000
* AT: 120
* DEF: 120
Tokubetsu Jounin:
* HP: 1200
* POWER: 5000
* AT: 130
* DEF: 130
* HP: 1250
* POWER: 6000
* AT: 140
* DEF: 140
* HP: 1300
* POWER: 7000
* AT: 150
* DEF: 150
* HP: 1350
* POWER: 8000
* AT: 160
* DEF: 160
* HP: 1400
* POWER: 9000
* AT: 170
* DEF: 170
* HP: 1450
* POWER: 10000
* AT: 180
* DEF: 180
Sato Leader:
* HP: 1500
* POWER: 11000
* AT: 190
* DEF: 190
There are a lot of changes i did in my mugen. The victory screen is a one. Youll never see the victory pic from my chars if the victory sprite isnt 9000,2. Also i don't like using the 9000,1 sprite.