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buyDate: Saturday, 2009-01-31, 10:12 PM | Message # 1
Group: Administrators
Messages: 1243
Awards: 2
Reputation: 14
Status: Offline

For his help with the forum

striderhienDate: Tuesday, 2010-05-11, 0:45 AM | Message # 2
Group: contributor
Messages: 1801
Awards: 4
Reputation: 7
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Status: Offline
... man this thread is so sad

koniaDate: Tuesday, 2010-05-11, 3:36 AM | Message # 3
King Konia
Group: contributor
Messages: 2394
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Status: Offline
hein are you ok? i see you have bumped a few old it the fact that uzu beat you in posts or.....
hein are you ok?
MGSSJ2Date: Tuesday, 2010-05-11, 6:29 AM | Message # 4
Mystic Coder
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Quote (striderhien)
... man this thread is so sad

sad sad

buyDate: Tuesday, 2010-05-11, 6:14 PM | Message # 5
Group: Administrators
Messages: 1243
Awards: 2
Reputation: 14
Status: Offline
This thread has more than one year old.
uzumakisDate: Wednesday, 2010-05-12, 6:51 PM | Message # 6
Group: contributor
Messages: 2214
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Reputation: 11
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Status: Offline
congrats strider keep it up
both me and koni are tring our best too with the forum thanks to our adm

striderhienDate: Thursday, 2010-05-13, 0:12 AM | Message # 7
Group: contributor
Messages: 1801
Awards: 4
Reputation: 7
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Status: Offline
Quote (konia)
hein are you ok? i see you have bumped a few old it the fact that uzu beat you in posts or.....
hein are you ok?

lol it's old memories... when me and buy were almost the only ones in here

Message edited by striderhien - Thursday, 2010-05-13, 0:12 AM
koniaDate: Thursday, 2010-05-13, 1:21 AM | Message # 8
King Konia
Group: contributor
Messages: 2394
Awards: 1
Reputation: 10
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Status: Offline
oh some sentimental stuffs ok then
uzumakisDate: Thursday, 2010-05-13, 6:55 AM | Message # 9
Group: contributor
Messages: 2214
Awards: 5
Reputation: 11
Reproofs: 0%
Status: Offline
Quote (striderhien)
lol it's old memories... when me and buy were almost the only ones in here

but it is new to me thiugh biggrin

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