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Character File corruption
HiryoDate: Tuesday, 2011-12-06, 5:53 AM | Message # 1
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Not long ago I was making a 3D Vincent. NOT a rip. And a original I named Kyu also was to be 3D. And..... on the date 12/05/2011 my power went out RIGHT as I saved my Vincent's SFF file and before that I was working on my Kyu... I thought no big deal of it. Turned my pc on.. AND EVERYTHING ON THE TWO WERE BLANK! Over 2 month's work vanished. ALL the files were blank on BOTH characters. The sprites were blank... everything. I panicked... Went to google, yahoo, microsoft, youtube, everything online to try and find a way to revert them to the previous versions BEFORE it happened. The restore previous version ability with Windows 7 would not work with these files.... T_T And it gets worse... I had a restore point for the previous day of my Windows system. Contemplated on it.. and went ahead to do a system restore... The ONLY file it restored was the CMD files... =( I looked EVERYWHERE for a answer.... If anyone knows how to revert a file to it's previous in another way please tell me!!! T_T I had NO back-ups... ALL my sprites... my work.. everything to the two characters were on them. I was going to showcase Kyu on the 6th of December... and now I lost all my work.... If anyone knows anything about how to get previous versions back please... pretty please let me know. System Restore did not work... Microsoft gives me the run-around saying the "SAME" thing over and over... Rather moronic what they say when you post in the topic system restore did not work and they keep posting to use system restore.... I can not be the only person in the world this has happened to.. Is it a lost cause and I should just start all over? Or is there a way I can resurrect the dead files back? Please... any insight will be helpful. Funny part to this is.. If I DELETED the files I could EASILY get them back... That is the funny part. T_T Easy to get a deleted file back but not a save error one back?... Redundant... cry
sgn_15Date: Tuesday, 2011-12-06, 7:39 AM | Message # 2
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if you have .bak files (which are the backup up to the progress before you backed up your work) then you can use them, but i dont think there is a way to restore your regular files after they corrupted

btw, i tried your anubis you sent me. pretty decent. and your act file has not even half of 256 colors.

Added (2011-12-06, 7:39 AM)
btw can i try more of your chars? i like them very much

HiryoDate: Tuesday, 2011-12-06, 3:06 PM | Message # 3
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Yes you can... However I am in way backwards as of now due to loss of much work I was doing. I did not have any .bak. I was not using Fighter factory for my two current characters or any other application that made automatic backups.. But lesson learned.. Always make a back up when creating.. =( When I fix my Akuma with the new system I will send him to you. Also do you have the 100 percent done Anubis I made? @_@ To know when he does a super is there a zoom effect? If not then I will have to give you a new link to the finished one. If it zooms in on his super charge then he is finished.... I just can not believe I lost a month and a half "give or take" of work... T_T cry
sgn_15Date: Tuesday, 2011-12-06, 6:20 PM | Message # 4
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well you can check your sent in your pm in the site you sent me those chars

Added (2011-12-06, 6:20 PM)
did you an extra copy of those 2 chars that were corrupted in another location? well if you have, at least you have a previous version you can start from that progress.

you don't have the sprites of the chars you lost anymore?

HiryoDate: Wednesday, 2011-12-07, 9:52 AM | Message # 5
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I do not have any of the sprites for them.. No back-ups.. nothing. Like a idiot.... Lesson learned. "ALWAYS MAKE BACK-UPS".... Kyu is going to be something not to be made for a LONG time now... since I have to re-make everything. And He will be even worse then what was to be expected. As for Vincent.. Not doing that again.. never again. I am better off ripping Ehrgiez sprites or something then trying to make him again in Sculptris. No way... I am just going to rip him... I lost my original work.. all of it. No back ups.. >.<
sgn_15Date: Wednesday, 2011-12-07, 6:28 PM | Message # 6
Group: contributor
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next time send me all of your chars. i won't send to anyone.

HiryoDate: Thursday, 2011-12-08, 10:37 AM | Message # 7
Group: contributor
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Hmm.. Alright then. happy When I get a few finished up and fixed I will send them in a bundle. cool
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