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DBZ Fatalities?
GozarDate: Sunday, 2011-10-16, 11:45 AM | Message # 61
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Quote (SinGoku)
cause they kinda do in the anime/manga.

I think Krillin should have destructo disk, and that blue beam he uses to put a hole in Vegeta.
Quote (MGSSJ2)
Future Trunks 0.99b

Gimme that trunks!

Added (2011-10-16, 11:45 Am)
Okay...Fuck it.
Here is a whole damn list.

1.Brave slash: Dashes, swings, and winds up on the other side of the target. The target seconds later falls in half.(Used to kill Hirudigarn, though it failed)
2.Impalement: Do i REALLY need to describe this?! (Pulled from random)
3.Brave Cannon: A blue ball of doom. (Not used to kill, but can kill.)

1.Shining Sword Slash:(SSj1) Cuts the Shit outa you, and vaporizes the pieces. (Used to kill Frieza)
2.Burning Attack EX:(SSj1) Tosses you into the air, and fires a beam version of the burning attack, surrounding himself in a barrier. (Used to kill Future Cell)
3.Big Tree Cannon(SSj 1): Think of a cross between Final Flash and Spirit Gun.(Used in an attempt to defeat #18)
4.Finish Buster: A big orange ball that explodes HUGE on impact.(Not sure who it was used to kill)
5.Lightning sword slash: Gets at a distance, and slashes so hard, the sheer force cuts you from over there. (Pulled from BT3)
6.Change The Future: Flies up to you, and gives you a point blank beam to the face.(Used to kill Future #18)
7. Another End: Jaw kicks you, and then blasts you to bits.(Used to kill Future #17)

1.Final Galick Gun: Punches you, opens his hand, and blows a beam through you.(Used to kill Zarbon)
2.Genocide Breaker: "Clever Girl." -Last words of Jiece in DBZA.(Used to kill Jiece )
3.Pulsar Wave: Kicks you a few 1000 feet, and fires a one handed orange beam.(Used to kill Recoome)
4.Insane Crusher: Sweeps you, flies up, dashes down, and lands on your throat with his knee, crushing your windpipe. (Used to kill Burter)
5.Dirty Fireworks: *Gut punch* *Jaw hit* *Points both fingers* BOOM! "Hahahahahaha. See you in Hell, Cui.":evil: (Used to kill Cui)
6. Hyper Galick Gun: He flies up, and blows the planet with a super charged Galick Gun. With Black and White lightning.(Used to kill Goku, But Failed)
7.Final Burst Cannon: A HUGE Galick Gun that he doesn't charge. Blows up a country.(Used to kill Frieza, but failed)
8.Big Bang Attack(SSJ 1 or 2 or 4): Shoots a deathly blue ball at your ass. Massive mushroom clouds ensue.(Used to Kill #19)
9.Galick Impact(SSJ 3): Gives you a hook to send you flying. When you get up, he sneaks behind you, and fires a Big Bang Attack.(Pulled from Raging Blast)
10. Double Galick Cannon: Dashes, put's his hands on you, and vaporizes you point blank.(Used to kill Pui Pui)
11.Fatal Impact(Majin SSj2): Fires a small beam through you.(Used to kill Majin Buu, but failed)
12. Final Flash: One word. DOOM.(Used to kill Cell, but fails)
13. Final Shine Attack(SSj4): A fancy one handed green beam.(Used to kill Syn Shenron, but fails)
14. Body Blazer: Tosses you in the air, and fires a beam from his entire body.(Used to kill Nappa)

1. Red Rage: Gohan gets a red aura, dashes, and headbutts you, fracturing your ribs.(Used to kill Raditz, and almost works)
2.Wild Rush Blaster: Gohan gets angry enough to "piss on your grave" and beats the shit out of you in midair, flowed by a overpowered Makenko.(Used to kill Frieza, but fails)
3. Brutal kill: (SSJ2)He just straight Hooks your head off.(Used to kill Cell Jr.)
4. Father son Kamehameha: Fires a one handed Kamehameha, but before he does, his dad teleports to him. They obliterate the crap out of you.(Used to Kill Cell)

More to come later on.

Dora, Dora, Dora, the explorer! >:3

Message edited by Gozar - Sunday, 2011-10-16, 1:44 PM

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