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cant find it upload the file again
How do you get Inner Hollow (I despise calling him Ogihci) to be black and white? for me he looks like a normal Ichigo with Inner Hollow voice, and then the Ichigo I have is red instead o' black...
hyper to be used for??????????????
bankai to be used for???????
Check are site an DL Ogihci from there. I apologize for any inconvenience. ^_^"
Link updated, thanks for the tip
One of my favorite chars., an you reminded me that I forgot to downlaod load this song...thx
i used the bottom link. my Ogihci is always black and red..... how can i make him the proper colors?
i fixed the char but it gives me and error i guess besause of the missing soul.cns file i heard and the rar file dont have it i could need help
hey,i need the movelist :( i dont know how to do some atacks please where i can get the movelist?
ur ogichi didnt work because u hav 2 take him out of the original folder and the folder inside that one u copy the name
It doesn't work becouse he forgot a file on the update The file he forgot lets the ogichi go soul heat and it was soul.cns -.-;;
Comment by : Lolidragon757
wait, it downloads the REGULAR Ichigo or the STORME-X Ichigo ? :o
It is Ogihci not ichigo. Storm x is the creator
For all having trouble, when i opened the file, his name was labeled as "StormEx--Ogihci", and i just took out the second dash and it worked hope that helps
he doesnt appear in my mugen roster. And ive typed his name 3 different ways now to try and make a diffrence o.o;
it keeps saying that this character is not designed to run on my version of MUGEN
This link (the one that's on the YouTube page for this Video) works, and doesnt crash when you try to load him:
It keeps saying that the char is not desigened to run on the mugen i have...that makes no sense!
you should make vasto lord ichigo or even stark but i guess u need more info on stark becouse we barely no any of his moves
but cool character oh and i had this character long before u updated it
you can decrease the size if you wanrt it chibi.
Ow man, this character rocks!!! Nice work on the sounds and visual effects on the hyper attacks!!! It really lets you feel you are doing damage! Heh, ogihci AI totally pown ichigo's AI, maybe you could try and improve ichigo's AI then? Regards, Wicked
it dosent run in my mugen why?
Its not registering to the winmugen when I paste its file name to the Notepad!!!!Why????!!!
did you put StormEx-Ogihci in the Select.def?
cool man
still doesnt work it says Sorry, the file you requested is not available.:(
here is a link that works
Thanks for the mirror. Main link fixed.
link dont work
link doesnt work
SWEET!!! finally a good ogihci!!!