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T_T There has finally been a Natsu, and it has to be for Mugen 1.0 after I finally finished putting my characters on a new screenpack. Is there a way to down-grade it from Mugen 1.0 to the old mugen?
Comment by : chipsandhappy
Calm down it didn't work cause u guys have to use mugen 1.0 download rc8 mugen type in Google
hi i too cant use this char and i need it badly.
i cant make it work either because of the same problem plz ix this i think this is the only natsu out there we kinda want it....
Comment by : DragonSlayer
i cant use that char i get an error and my mugen game crashes pls how can i fix it .. it says that it can't load the .def file
hey when i put it on my mugen i got an error and mugen crash all the times. How can i fix it? i want to use this cool char pls
can u give me the link for ur mugen
dude where did u get that tsuna it looks nice